Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Physics

In honor of Halloween being this Sunday we have a little mixture of science and Halloween!
Check out the following video!

Pumpkin Physics

Lunar Update

Listen to the following link and leave your thoughts!

Lunar Update

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Black Holes

I am always asked about black holes. Read this and see if you leanrn anything about them. Are they really black? Go to the link and click on Learn More, then read Black Holes Stranger than fiction.  could black holes be a way to travel through the universe?  When were they discovered?

Black Holes

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Planetary Update

Listen to all the information about the solar system and its amazing 98 Worlds and Counting

What is meant by only a Seltzer Moon?  What would you think if life would be found on Titan?  Why should we study Titan more?  Why is Mars so small?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

World Space Week

Last was world space week (Oct 4 - 7)  Read the following article.  How many of the questions can you answer?  Do some research to answer as many questions as you can.

World Space Week

What do you think should be done with old satellites?  What responsibility do we have to outer space?  What should be done about our trash problem on Earth?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Read the link below

A Star is Born

Stars like humans are born live their life and then die.  Read this and find out how it happened

A New Planet Found Could Have Life

Last week there were discoveries made leading up to what scientists believe is a new planet.  Read the following link and then leave your thoughts!

Goldilocks Planet

Noble Prize Physics

The Nobel Prize for Physics was released Tuesday, October 5, 2010.
Read the following link:
Nobel Prize

Do you ever try simple experiments around your house with things you have found?  
How many of you have heard about putting a mentos candy in a two liter of pop and watching the geyser that will occur?  
How many of you have tried experiments like this at you house?
Did you learn anything new from experiments you have done on your own?

Imagine taking that creativity many steps further as an adult and creating something that would win you the Nobel Prize.  How would you feel?

Once in a Blue Moon

Many of you have asked "what is a blue moon?"  Check out the following link!

Blue Moon

Many of you have asked "what is a blue moon?"  Check out the following link!