Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome former students

Some former students have been asking me about blogging.  I welcome everyone to my blog.  Please join in the conversation.  There is a new blog site for this year.  It is

Anything with fire is a good thing

Do you like to play with fire.  I think everyone is fascinated with flame.  Listen to this article and watch the video.  When a candle burns, what really is burning?  Tell me what you learned about flames.  Why would someone study flames?  Is there heat all through the flame?  What is soot? 

mapping a flame

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chinese Enter the Space Age

China launched an experimental spacecraft from the Gobi desert this week. The unmanned Tiangong-1 (which means "Heavenly Palace-1") is expected to orbit Earth for two years. Journalist Miles O’Brien discusses planned docking missions for the craft and China’s space program.  Listen to this article and tell me what you think.  How do you feel about the Chinese launching a space station?  Why do you think that they want a space station?

China Launches A Space Laboratory

What are Pterosaurs?

Do you like dinosaurs?  What about the flying pterosaurs?  What do you know about them? David Attenborough has produced dozens of shows and books about how plants and animals live. But his latest, Flying Monsters 3D, takes a look at creatures that have been extinct for around 65 million years--pterosaurs, or flying reptiles--and examines why they may have evolved to fly. Listen to this article and let me know if this is a movie that you would like to see?  

David Attenborough Flies With The Pterosaurs

Chinese Enter the Space Age

China launched an experimental spacecraft from the Gobi desert this week. The unmanned Tiangong-1 (which means "Heavenly Palace-1") is expected to orbit Earth for two years. Journalist Miles O’Brien discusses planned docking missions for the craft and China’s space program.  Listen to the article and tell me what you think.  How do you feel about China becoming a space power?  Why do you think the Chinese want to accomplish with their space program?

China Launches A Space Laboratory

Monday, September 5, 2011

What will happen to space station?

The last Shuttle missions have flown.  How will Americans get up to space station now?  How will our astronauts that are currently living on Space Station get home?  What recently happened to a Russian unmanned rocket?  What do you think should be done about Space Station?  Is it time to abandon Space Station?  Would you like to go into space?  Listen to this radio article to learn about Space Station and tell me what you think           Is It Time To Leave The Space Station?

What will happen to space station?

The last Shuttle missions have flown.  How will Americans get up to space station now?  How will our astronauts that are currently living on Space Station get home?  What recently happened to a Russian unmanned rocket?  What do you think should be done about Space Station?  Is it time to abandon Space Station?  Would you like to go into space?  Listen to this radio article to learn about Space Station and tell me what you think

Is It Time To Leave The Space Station?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Blog

Since we are off next Monday for Memorial Day and we will be presenting our projects the rest of the week, I believe this will be our last blog.  With that being said, what did you think about blogging this year?  Did you like doing it or dislike doing it?  Do you wish we could have done it more or less?  Is there something else you wish I would have posted about?  Any recommendations on how I could do this better next year?  Finally, what was your favorite post that we did this year?
As your 7th grade year comes to a close, what have you enjoyed this year?  What was your favorite thing we did in science?  What do you wish we could have covered?  What would you do different?
Thanks for a great year!  
I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!  Good Luck in the 8th grade!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Create a Weather Map

Go to the following link.  Under the words weather activities, click in the green area where it says 'click here to start'.
Create a weather map based upon the forecast!

Weather Map


We have talked quite a bit about tornadoes this year.  With all of the destruction that occurred down south a few weeks ago lets take a look at what a tornado actually is.  Check out the following link.


Leave a post telling me ........
What is a tornado? How do tornadoes form?  How do tornadoes stop?  What is a supercell thunderstorm?  What is a mesocyclone?  What is a wall cloud?  What are the levels on the fujita tornado scale of intensity?  What happens at the different levels?

What is Lightning?

As we study weather and take a look at all that it entails, one often asks, what causes the lightning we see in the sky?  What IS lightning?  Check out the following link and learn all about what lightning is.

Leave a post about what you learned.  What is lightning?  What causes it to occur?  What was the most interesting thing you read on this site?  How far away can you see lightning?  What is cloud-to-ground lightning?  What is intercloud lightning?  What is high altitude lightning?  What is St. Elmo's Fire?  How can you tell how far away a storm is?  What are some lightning safety tips?

Web Weather for Kids

Go to the link below and click on Hurricanes.  How do hurricanes effect our lives?  How do hurricanes form.  Click on Tornadoes/Thunderstorms.  How do thunderstorms and lightning form?  How are they related to Tornadoes?  While you are on this web-site you can play a the cloud matching game or cloud concentration.  What are the ingredients for weather?  Search through this site and see if you can predict how far away a thunderstorm is.

Web Weather

Flood Gates

The Mississippi River is flooding and the Army Corp of Engineers is trying to protect large cities to the south by opening up spill ways.  Where is the water going and who will it effect? Who is benefiting from this practice?  When was this last time that this was done?  What are your thoughts on this practice?

Army Corp of Engineers Opens gates

Monday, May 9, 2011

What is weather

Find a website in which you will be able to locate a 5-10 day forecast.  I would suggest using a site like, the weather channel, or, or  What is the weather going to be like in the Cincinnati area over the next week?  How will this weather affect your plans and daily routines?  What is your favorite type of weather?  If Cincinnati doesn't have the weather you like, find an area you think does.  What is this location?

Mississippi River

And we thought we had it bad ....With all of the rain we have experienced within the past month we saw a lot of areas running into problems with flooding and landslides.
Check out the following links on what is happening in Memphis, TN.  What would you do if you were in this situation?

Mississippi River Flooding

Friday, May 6, 2011

What causes tornadoes to form?

What are the ingredients for the perfect tornado?  Why is May the key month?  What is the difference between a super cell, a tornado and a wind shear?

Tornado 101

April Shower Bring May ???????

If we have had a rainy April, what can we expect in May.  Click on the link below and see what we can expect for May.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on each city to see which one has had the most tornadoes and which one has had the most recent tornado?

May : A "Tornadic " Month

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shuttle Endeavor

The space shuttle program is being phased out.  Endeavour is the second last shuttle to make a space flight.   When was it scheduled to launch?  Why was it postponed?  Who is the Captain?  Where do the astronauts stay as they await their launch?  Would you want to go into space?  Would you want to be part of the NASA space program?  What would you like to learn most about space?  What other space craft will be at the space station?  What are your thoughts about the space program?

Last trip for Endeavour

Tornado Update

Go to Tornado Alley Live and watch the video from the tornados in late April.  After viewing the video then go to the link on Famed Tornado lesson learned.  What did we learn from this disaster.  What is our risk of a tornado today.  What should you do in the event of an impending tornado?  Where should you go in your home?  Where should you go in your own home?  Have you talked about this with your parents?  Do you have a plan?  What do you think about the events of late April?

Tornado Alley Live

Monday, April 25, 2011

30 Year in Space

It seems like forever ago that we covered our unit on space, however it wasn't that long ago!  Check out the following link and listen to the milestones which have occurred in space travel during the lat 30 years.  Also listen to what the future holds for space travel.  

Leave a comment with what you learned and what you think should happen in the future.

Earth Day

Earth Day was last Friday, over our spring break.  We weren't here at school to talk about the many events that go on across the country to celebrate Earth day, so I thought  I would post this site.  Check it out and read about just a few of the things that are done to celebrate our Earth.  Did you know April 22 was Earth Day?  Did you do anything for Earth Day? 
What is something you could do?  We need to remember that just because Earth day is recognized on one specific date, every day we need to take steps to care for our Earth!

Earth Day

Would you want to go into Space?

What if you were given the chance to board a shuttle and head into outer space?   Would this be something you would be interested in?  I find space to be such an amazing place of unanswered questions, however I don't know if I would be cut out for space travel. 
Watch the following video and leave your thoughts, could you travel in space??

What is space like?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Flooding and Stationary Fronts

This week my creek was flooded almost everyday.  I could not get out of my road any day except Monday.  I could not have Easter dinner at my house and I had to wade through knee deep water to visit my family on Easter.  We have had more rain this April than any April in history.  So far we have already had over 10 inches of rain and it is supposed to rain almost every day this week.  How has the rain effected your plans? Did you have to miss sports games?  Did you have to move all of your spring break activities indoors?  The lengthy rain is due to a what is know as a stationary front.  This is an edge of an air mass that is not moving.  Therefore, we are getting trains of rain all along the Ohio valley.  Look at the link to see the symbol for a stationary front on the weather map.  Let me know how the rain effected you and find out how it effected other people from the 7th grade.

weather map

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Evidence of Climate Change... Or Something Just Like it

Scientists should be skeptics.  Science is always based on the evidence.  Is there evidence supporting climate change?  How long are the trends based?  Is there evidence that this is a normal cycle?  Give me two pieces of evidence from the Fire and Ice Section that supports climate change.  How much has the global average sea level risen since 1993.  How much warmer is Fairbanks Alaska than 100 years ago?  How much has carbon dioxide increased per year? What percent of Alpine glaciers has Europe lost?  Read the article below and answer the questions and tell me your thoughts on the subject.  Think like a scientist.

Climate Change or something just like it

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ride along with Storm Chasers

Remember the city you chose to collect data about?  Well check on the weather map and see how it is faring.  Is it in line for a storm.  See where the real storm chasers are going.  How would you like to be with them?  Go to the link below and check out where the storms are.  Click on Video vortex and see real footage of a storm.  Comment about your city and what it would be like to chase storms.  Search on Twister Data for your chosen city and see how often tornadoes occur.

Weather Map


What are clouds and how do they form?  What are the names of clouds and what do they mean.  How does lightning form?  How many amperes are in a return stroke of lightning?  Read this short article and watch the video and answer the above questions.

How Clouds Work

Monday, April 4, 2011

Have a little weather fun!

Check out this link.  Play the wild weather adventure.
Did you learn anything from this game?

The Home Stretch

As we start the 4th quarter, think back over the year.  We have studied space,the rotation and revolution of the Earth, the phases of the moon, the sun, stars, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks and minerals.  What has been your favorite topic this year?  What was your favorite activity we did this year?  Is there another activity you wish we would have done?
What are you looking forward to doing as we study weather?  Any topic you hope that we cover?  Any specific activity you hope we do?
Hard to believe we are down to about 9 weeks of school!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Are You Ready to be a Storm Chaser?

Read this article and see if you have what it takes to be a storm chaser.  What are some good reasons to be a storm chaser.  Read this article and go to the other links in the article such as Storm Chasers on the Hunt, The Basic Gear for a storm chaser, and Why Chase Storms.  Then play the video.  How long do chasers have to wait to get to see a storm?  Do they always get to see a storm?

How Storm Chasers Work

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Storm Chasers Videos

What did you think about the storm chasers videos that we watched last week?  Would you like to be a storm chaser?  Do you think it would be an exciting career?  Where would you think you would need to live in order to be a storm chaser?

Drilling to the Mantle

We discussed, in previous units, the Earth and it's various layers.  Listen to the following link and find out what we would see if we were to drill to the center of the Earth.  What is Moho?  What are your thoughts?

Drilling to the Mantle 

Update on Japan

This article talks about the radioactive water spills which have occurred in nuclear plants in Japan.  Read the information and leave your thoughts.  Imagine surviving such a deadly earthquake and tsunami and now face the risk of being exposed to deadly radiation.  What would you do?

Radiation Spills

Radiation Reaching the US

The following article talks about radiation leaks from Japan reaching all the way to the US.  What are your thoughts after reading the article?  Are we scaring ourselves to death over this?

Radiation Reaching the US

Water Shortage

Could some people face a possible water shortage in the year 2050?  Read the following link and see what is in the near future for some people.  Leave your thoughts.

2050 Water Shortage

Monday, March 21, 2011

Change in Earth's Tilt

Not only did the Massive Earthquake and tsunami change things drastically for Japan and those who live there, it has also change the tilt of the Earth.  Check out the following link.  What are your thoughts?

Earthquake changes tilt

Super Moon

Did you see the moon on Saturday night?  Read the following link to see why it was such a phenomena. 

Super Moon

Why did the moon appear so large

The Water Cycle

The following link shows the water cycle.  Play the game and tell me what you learned.  Did anything surprise you?

Water Cycle Game

Water Cycle Video

Watch the following video ....
Did this help you to understand the water cycle a little bit better?  Any questions you have?

Water Cycle Video

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tsunami in Japan

On Friday we talked about the Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred in Japan.  The following link provides information on the nuclear explosions that have now occurred as a result.
Leave your thoughts.

Nuclear Explosion

Earthquake in Japan

Japan's recent Earthquake ranks amongst the worst in history.  Read the following link, how would you feel if you were in Japan?

Historic Earthquake

Water For Life

On Friday, we watched a number of videos describing Jay Z's work in his project Water for Life.  What did you learn when watching those videos?    How do you feel about this project?  What did you think about the video?
The following link provides a small recap of what we watched.

Water For Life

Friday, March 11, 2011

This Field Rocks

Tucked in a shallow valley in northeastern Pennsylvania is a mysterious geologic feature: 16 acres of sandstone boulders. Science Friday took a trip to Hickory Run State Park's "boulder field" and spoke with Megan Taylor, environmental education specialist, about why the rocks collected there. Could you find any place close by that you could find this many rocks in one place?  What do you think about this area how did it form?

Music from Prelinger Archives. produced by annette heist and flora lichtman.

Field of Rocks

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Water Cycle

How does the water cycle work?  Go to website and go through the animation to see.  Comment on the steps of the water cycle

 Water Cycle Animation

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Universe?

Could there be more out there than scientists aware?  What is the newest ideas about the universe? What are the new ideas of infinity. Listen to this pod cast and give us your ideas about new ideas about the universe and the possibility of parallel universes.


More Rock Cycle Work

What are the three rock types?  How do we get from one rock type to the next? Play this rock cycle game to learn more about the rock cycle

Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle

How does the rock cycle work?  What does it take for rocks to change form?  Connect to the following link and animate to find out.  Give us your thoughts

Rock Cycle Animation

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sedimentary Rocks

Read the following link.
Tell me about Sedimentary rocks.  Where do they come from, what types are there, what are some examples and where do we find them?  Anything else you learned?

Report your findings!

Sedimentary Rocks

Igneous Rocks

Read the following link.
Tell me about Igneous rocks.  Where do they come from, what does igneous mean, what types are there, what are some examples and where do we find them?

Report your findings!
Igneous Rocks

Word Search

How many words can you find?

word search

Rocks and Minerals Memory

Let's test your memory.

Check out the following link!


Rocks and Minerals Test

Let's see how much you know about rocks and minerals.  Go to the following link, complete the matching game and let me know how you did!

Rocks and Mineral Test

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Rock Cycle

What happens within the rock cycle.  Complete the following link to see if you know what goes on.

The Rock Cycle

How successful were you?  Give me a brief summary of what occurs within the rock cycle

Rock Formation

How are rocks formed?  Check out the following link and read about each of the 3 rock types.  What is required in order for each different rock type to form?  Give an example of each rock type and give me a bit of information about it

How rocks are formed

What does each state have to offer?

Each state across the US has something different to offer.  Check out the following link.  Select 5 different states and tell me what they have to offer when it comes to mining.

US Mining Map

Monday, February 14, 2011

Minerals And Their Uses

The following list contains common minerals.  Select a mineral from the list and tell me about it.
What did you learn about it?  What are some of it's properties?  What are some of it's uses?  Any other interesting facts about your mineral that sets it aside?

Mineral List

How do you use minerals?

What minerals do you use everyday?  What minerals are all around you that you didn't realize?  Go to the link below.  Chose one of the links: building a house, in the kitchen, around the home, etc.  List all of the materials which contain minerals.  What minerals are found in each of them.

minerals around the house

Monday, February 7, 2011

How are Minerals Used?

Minerals are found in things you use everyday.  Some things you may already know, but some of the mierals you use may suprise you.  Check out the following link:

Complete the following activities, Minerals are Everywhere and Mineral Mix-n-Match.
Make sure to select the 'play again with a new set of objects' choice at least 3 times for each activity.

Once you completed these activites post the names of some of the minerals you have learned as well as the uses for these minerals.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Science of Art

Art and science are very closely related.  The great artists used minerals as pigments for their masterpieces.What made their paintings so beautiful. What minerals were used for red? yellow? white?  What kind of problems did these cause for Monet, Van Gogh, and Matisse?  What does all of this have to do with electronics today like Ipods?

Art and the Periodic Table

Poor Pluto

Do you feel sorry for the planet of Pluto?  Do you want to know why it is now just a dwarf planet?  Read this article and do a bit more research to find out why?  What are your thoughts?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shallow Magma Under Hawaii

Ohio State University researchers have made some new findings about the Hawaiian Islands?  What are they?  Read the article to find out

Hawaiian Islands


We have been studying plate movements and how it relates to volcanoes.  How do scientist know that the plates are moving?  What tools do they use to measure the changes at Yellowstone National Park?  What has recently been happening at Yellowstone?  Is this something new or has it been happening before?  How is this linked to the hot springs and geysers?  Read the article and watch the video to find out.  Give us your thoughts based upon the evidence.

Yellowstone Uplift

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mt Etna erupts in Italy

Where is Mt. Etna located in Italy.  What type of eruption was it?    What type of rock was created from this eruption basalt or granite?  What do you think that it would be like to live by an active volcano?

Mt. Etna

Monday, January 10, 2011

Moon Quakes? What does this tell us about the Moon?

Apollo-era astronauts left a seismic experiment on the moon. New analysis of that 30-year-old data may give new insights into the lunar core.  What can this seismic data tell us about the moon today and in the past?  What else you like to learn about the moon if you were sent on a mission to the moon?

New (Old) views of the lunar core?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Super Volcano

What is under Yellow Stone?  Is Yellow Stone the only super volcano.  What is a VIE 8?  What does all of this have to do with Plate Tectonics?  How do you think that the US would be effected if there were a super erruption?

Holiday Earthquake

Did you feel the earthquake Thursday, December 30?  How is it that we could have an earthquake in the midwest?  Where was its epicenter?  What was the magnitude?  What would if be like if we had and earthquake here in Cincinnati?  When was the last time we had one in Cincinnati?

Indiana earthquake