Sunday, January 22, 2012

Earthquakes Explained

What is an earthquake?  What causes earthquakes and where do they happen? Why does the earth shake when there is an earthquake?  How do scientists measure earthquakes?  Can they predict earthquakes?  How can scientists tell where an earthquake happened?  Is there earthquake weather and can animals or people tell when an earthquake is about to hit?

Check out the following link and find all these answers and more!

Earthquake info

Ohio Earthquakes

Check out the following link.  Tell me about the Earthquake that occurred on June 18, 1875.  Where did it occur?  What damage occurred?  How about the earthquake on September 19, 1884?  Looking at the seismicity map, where do you see the most Earthquake activity in Ohio?  When was the largest earthquake in Ohio.  Tell me some facts about it.  Look through the rest of the site.  What other facts can you give me about earthquakes in Ohio? 

Ohio Earthquakes


Check out the following link below.  Click on recent quakes.  Chose a recent quake off of the list M3+ in the US.  What was it's magnitude, where was it located?  What else did you learn about it?
Now chose an earthquake from the M5+ worldwide list.  What was it's magnitude. where was it located?  What else can you tell me about it?

You thought that the Cheetah was fast

When you think of fast animals, what do you think of?  Do you think of the cheetah?  Well, have you ever thought of a shrimp, or an ant?  Watch the video and listen to what these scientists say about the fastest animals on earth.  What is the human's fastest move?  How many times can a mantid shrimp strike during our fastest move?  Watch out for the Trap Door ants! Tell me what you think and share your ideas with your class mates.  Remember to have your own thoughts on this

Seeing super-fast animals