Monday, November 1, 2010

Erosion and Deposition

When you hear the word erosion, what do you think?  What about deposition, what does that word mean to you?  Do you know anything that either of these two processes create?  Is there anything you would like to do in class when learning about erosion and deposition?


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keisersydney said...

when i hear erosion, i think of how alot of our natural landforms were made, its interesting because erosion is totally natural, its cool that only wind and water can do so much. i dont really know about deposition, it sounds like you're depositing some thing, but still... not really sure what deposititon can make, but i think erosion makes landforms . i would like to do alot of experiments and not alot of papers on this :)

Abby Bacher said...

When I think of Erosion, I think of the Grand Canyon and the rivers that erode the rock away after so long. Deposition remind me of a court room.....

anonymous said...

When i hear the word erosion i think of mud slides and the crand canyon. The word deposition means like deposite to me. I think we should learn more about it in class.

Jordan harbour

anonymous said...

I agree with you madison we should learn more about eroision. i also agree that the word deposition means to deposite.

Jordan harbour

Dickerson,Daniel said...

Anthony, I agree with you about the grand canyon and how the water carved it with the wind.

Granger,Hannah said...

When I hear the word erosion i think of movning and breaking down. Whrn i hear depision i thing of the depth of something. There really is nothing to do in earth science. You could read about it but thats pretty much it. Yeah thats boreing but...

Granger,Hannah said...

sydney. I agree with you i would not like to do all kinds of paper work.

anonymous said...

when i really think of erosion i think of hard winds thats all i did know bout it. i've never heard of deposition. but it would help me learn more bout them by doing really cool expirements.

~Kristin Murphy<33

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

@anthony papathanis

now that i read your comment erosion can really be thought of by the grand canyon.

~Kristin Murphy<33

Mariah Smith said...

When I hear the word "Erosion", I think of wind and water crumbling mountains and riverbanks. When I hear the word "Deposition", I think of depositing, like putting money in a bank, or depositing soil and rock into a riverbank. In class I would like to do a lab that shows what erosion does to a mountain.

anonymous said...

when i think about erosio i think the grand canyon erosion made the grand canyon taylor roberts

Breadon,Zac said...

when i hear the word erosion think.grand canyon

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