It seems like forever ago that we covered our unit on space, however it wasn't that long ago! Check out the following link and listen to the milestones which have occurred in space travel during the lat 30 years. Also listen to what the future holds for space travel.
Leave a comment with what you learned and what you think should happen in the future.
wow 30 years i would never do that. i couldnt be away from my friends and family that long and i would hate to wear the spacesuit 30 years.
kristan dalton
30 years i dont know thats along time of eat pb&j sandwichs. ahaha. my family would miss alot of my life and i would miss theirs. sooo id say no.
i don't think i could do 30 years in space!! I agree with kristan dalton about how i would miss my family and friends also. I also agree with dylan buis b/c i would get tired of eating the same thing all the time.
I think it would be kind of cool to wear a space suit to see what it is like but I agree with kristan Dalton....I wouldn't like to wear it fo 30 years straight!!!!
And another thing is you wouldn't be able to celebrate your birthday for 30 years!!!! That would stink!!!! You can't have a cake in space b/c it would just fall apart and your family wouldn't be there with you to celebrate it!!! How awful!!!
i think in the future we should send out shuttles with more technology and maybe less people. i think in the future we can have robots with cameras that can stay out their longer than humans can. i also think we can make them more efficiently so they can fly better through the atmosphere with less power.
30 years seems like forever in space i couldn't last that long in space but i think we should be able to travle farther in space with more information.
By ted young
wow 30 years. i wouldnt be able to be away from anyone that long. not even the people i dislike haha id miss everyone WAY to much. id have to say no
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