Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Blog

Since we are off next Monday for Memorial Day and we will be presenting our projects the rest of the week, I believe this will be our last blog.  With that being said, what did you think about blogging this year?  Did you like doing it or dislike doing it?  Do you wish we could have done it more or less?  Is there something else you wish I would have posted about?  Any recommendations on how I could do this better next year?  Finally, what was your favorite post that we did this year?
As your 7th grade year comes to a close, what have you enjoyed this year?  What was your favorite thing we did in science?  What do you wish we could have covered?  What would you do different?
Thanks for a great year!  
I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!  Good Luck in the 8th grade!!


KAM said...

I think that the blogging this year was interesting for us to do. It was a way too talk to the other students on the science topics. I think that blogging was ok and I think that doing it once a week on mondays was a a good way to start out the school week. I think my favorite blogposts were on the tornadoes and the earthquakes going on in japan.
This year i really enjoyed science the topics were cooler than the ones last year. my favorite thing this year was the human set up we did with the phases of the moon. I think science was good this... Kepp up with the good teaching Mrs. Martz!

KAM said...

good this year*****

anonymous said...

I liked doing blogs, it helped me learn a lot. I wish we could have done it more, I personaly thought they were better than the activities, except for the ones where we had experiments. I wish you could have posted more about the dinosaur movie or episodes. I think most people like to watch movies with the other class so we get to enjoy time together while learning about science, aha. My favorite post was about the Super Moon because I've never seen a moon so big, another one of my favorite blogs was about the Storm Chasers, I loved learning about them, tornado's and other severe weather really do fascinate me.
I enjoyed a lot this year, it was really fun, Science is one of my favorite cores. My favorite thing we did this year was watching the movies with the oher clxass and doing the moon phases, when you explained how the moon worked while we we're apart of the experiment helped me learn a lot. I wish we could have covered more about dinosaurs. I love dinos (: haha. I'm gonna miss Science a lot this year, I doubt it's going to be as much fun as this year! Thanks Mrs. Martz for a good year.

-Corissa Sturm,(:

Fairbanks,Joey said...

I loved bloging this year because it gave us a chance to research and learn easier. I wish that we could do it more. I wish that you would post more extra credit. I think that you should let the students post their own blogs. My faverote post was the pi day post. I have enjoyed the space camp trip. I loved the labs we did in science. I wished we could of covered animals and other creachers. I would try to do better.

McGinnis,Ben said...

I liked bloging it told me more about the world. I wish we could of done more. I think when there is an election or something you should make a blog about who they want to be elected and why they like them.

Kelly said...

I liked blogging because it had fun and interesting sites.I wish we could have done it more but the best part was letting us using out ipods.I Think posted on everytbhing i could think of. next year you could let the kids listen to ipods everytime you blog that would be nice. my favorite post was the one on Japan. i enjoyed blogging and learing about space. I'm happy with everything we learned about so yeah i had a good year. cant wait to see everyone in 8th grade!!! have a great summer!!!!!!

Charles P Freudemann said...

I thought the blogs were a good way to learn more and more about science. I liked doing some but not a lot. I think we blogged just enough. There is nothing I wished I would of posted but I didn't. Let the kids play games before blog so the dont play games during blogs. I loved this year, but we had a lot of home work and a lot of projects. I liked when we did the volcano
eruptions. I wished we would of covered biology or something else. Thanks mrs. martz for a great year you are definitly one or my favorite teachers ever, I will miss you!

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

I don't want the blogging to end! I honestly don't. I loved it to death! Blogging was the most amazing journey I have ever experienced this year. :) I didn't like it... I LOVED IT!!!! ;D We should've done it more! Not really, I think you did pretty good this year. Just make sure you do different posts next year! :) All of the posts were my favorite posts. I can't really choosee a favorite. I enjoyed being in your science class. Everything was my favorite thing! :) We covered pretty much everything that I wanted to learn about. :) You have been the best, and thank you so much! We owe it to you! Thanks!

Xavier Frisch said...

I liked blogging because it gave us a chance to easily raise our grade. I can't think of anything else that I might have wanted to blog about. I would have liked to blog more often because once a week didn't seem to be enough time for me. Any recommendations for next year? No. I think it is fine the way it is. This year I have enjoyed looking at the different minerals and rocks. I would have liked to have disscused black holes and other space phenomenons. I wouldn't have done any thing different.
Thanks for a great year Mrs. Martz!

Duebber, Jenna said...

I loved blogging this year. It was a great way to start out the week and a good way to get good grades. It was cool to see how your thoughts related to the other students. I think it was nice to have the opportunity t whenever we needed to get it. I wish we could've done it more because I enjoyed doing it. I liked the blogs about Water for Life. I loved this class this year! It was definately one of my favorites!!!!!!!! I will never forget the crazy times our class has had! HARRY POTTER! Keep teaching like you are and I think everyone will love it. I wouldn't do anything different.

Duebber, Jenna said...

**to get extra credit


anonymous said...

I enjoyed blogging personally. It was a good easy thing to get points to raise grades and or make the grade eve higher. I think we did blogging just the right amount. I think that we shouodve done some bloggs on like modern day things and not always science. Honestly I cant even remember my favorite blogg but I do remember enjoying some blogs. Ive enjoyed the experiments I wouldve done better in science.

-Dylan Humbert

Buis,Dylan said...

I think bloging this year was really fun. It actually taught us something. My most favorite was the earth quackes in japan. learning about that was kinda disturbing because of the radition maybe reaching us.
I thought the phases of the moon thing was cool too. but mostly we agree with elizthabeth on this.
Dylan & Ryan

Dorrington, Madison said...

I really liked blogging. It was a good break from writing every once in awhile. I liked the amount of it that we did. It was not too much and not too little. I think it was good what you posted. It was all very interesting and I think it was all really good. I wouldn't even know what to recommend because you did all I would recommend. I really liked doing posts on tornadoes because they were very interesting and fun. I really enjoyed doing experiments this year. I think I would do it the exact way you did. It was a fun year

Dorrington, Madison said...

(last comment my madison dorrington was really by jenn davis. Wrong account by accident)

anonymous said...

We liked to do the blogs we wish we can do them every year. We liked the class to we liked the activitys and projects. FROM AUSTIN T AND NATHAN S.

anonymous said...

I thote blogging was just ok but it was also fun in a way.I likedvblogging every monday. No i didn't want to blog on anything else. My favorite blogs were on Tornadoes. I've enjoyed everything. My favorite thing in science was when we did the volcanoes. Dinosures. I wouldn't have done anything else different.

David Meiners

coors amber said...

i thought this years blogging was really col and fun!! :) it really got me thinking in a lot of different ways. i thought it was also cool to see what everyone else thought. i love doing work on the computer s it was nice for me! i thought we did it the right amount. i think if we would have done it a little less we still would have been fine but it was fun. i liked how some of the blogs gave us extra credit points! that helped a lot! i cant think of any other possible discussion topics. i thought the topics this year were good ones. they got me thinking about things i have never thought about before. my favorite post was probably on the videos about the kids in africa and watching people help them all out with their hard lives. my favorite thing this year was blogging because it was a very relaxing time on mondays and i had a lot of fun doing it. i cant think of any topics that we didn't cover that i wanted us to but i wish we would have gotten into toxic waste a little more.

......thanks!!!!!......good luck with all of your new students and i hope they give you just as good of a year as we did if not better!!!!

Duebber, Jenna said...

I agree with Dylan and Elizabeth. Blogging did teach us a lot this year. I feel like it has exposed us to more technology, which I enjoy. I hope we do a lot like this next year. Thanks Dumbledore for a great year! I hope you have a good class next year, but there's no way they will be better then us!! (:

Duebber, Jenna said...


coors amber said...

i think that if we didnt have blogging this year...i would have never thought about most of the topics we talked about this year...this was so much fun and really taught me a lot! :)

coors amber said...

i have to agree with jenna duebber...blogging has introduced us to some new tecnology