Monday, January 10, 2011

Moon Quakes? What does this tell us about the Moon?

Apollo-era astronauts left a seismic experiment on the moon. New analysis of that 30-year-old data may give new insights into the lunar core.  What can this seismic data tell us about the moon today and in the past?  What else you like to learn about the moon if you were sent on a mission to the moon?

New (Old) views of the lunar core?


Anonymous said...

The data can tell us if the moon works like earth with the moving plates and if it has earthquakes and other natural disasters related to plate techtonics. If I were sent to the moon, I'd want to learn if there are volcanoes there and if there are, what kind of effects do they have on the moon? Could they possibly change the moon so extremely that it could support life?

Oakes, Ally said...

The data can tell us more about the moon, such as if it works similar to the Earthand how exactly it works. If I went to the moon I would like to know if there were volcanoes and if there was ever life on the moon and a volcano erupted and killed and destroyed evidence of all life on the moon.

Oakes, Ally said...

I agree with Emma; I would like to know if a volcano could explode on the moon and change it enough for there to be life.

anonymous said...

Its really cool that the moon could have a core like ares. Or havee a volcano.
Ted young

Wall, Alexandra said...

**********Megan SHeridan and Alexandra Wall*************************************

The website shows that the moon is like the earth, with all of its moving plates and other natural diasters related to plate techtonics. If I were sent to the moon, I would want to play golf and walk around the whole entire moon. Back to science; I would want to explore mountain ranges and see if there are volcanoes and lava.

****Megan Sheridan and Alexandra Wall***********************************************

oleary stephanie said...

the scientist data can tell us that if the moon has plates like the earth then it could have moon quakes. if i were on the moon i would study the rocks and what was under the surface.

Kilgore, Sydney said...

The data can tell us if the moon has plates underneath and it cause earthquakes or volcanoes.Also it can tell us what kind of rocks are in the lunar core,present and past.
I would like to learn about the moon on a mission like can the moon have life and if there are volcnoes and if so, how much do they have a impact on the moon.
Sydney Kilgore and Rachel Royer

Sean Laake said...

The data could possibly show the probable ammount of magma. Because the first life came from lava, due to a newly built atphmosphere. This will show if there possibly will be an eruption. HOWEVER there is no ammounts in iron on that moon (Rust is what makes Mars red, so its just a rust ball). If I went to the moon I would like to learn about the atphmoshere. If volcano exploded without us knowing, could there be a portion of life?? One of lifes greatest mysterys and we aren't even half way. We still have trillions and trillions of Light years or an even greater ammount of *AU's (*Astronomical Units) We may never know BUT mabey there are...

anonymous said...

The data tells us about how simiar the moon is to the they can have plate tectonic and earthquakes. I would want to play and just jump around. I would ant to learn if all the other planets also have a core and etc. If a vocano could erupt would it be the same as the ones on earth?
~deborah park

anonymous said...

The seismic data can tell us about the moon today by the moon might have a core like we do with a molten outter core and a solid inner core. If i were sent to the moon i would like to learn about if there are any living creatures on the moon and more about the surfaces.
~Madison Schnell and Adam Lyons

Wall, Alexandra said...

Megan Sheridan and Alexandra Wall <<<<<<<<<---------
Emma, we have the same thinking..... what do u think the moon would do if it had a super volcanic eruption?

Sean Laake said...

Remember people, no magma, no plate movement. Just like No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. Same idea entirely different topic.

Kilgore, Sydney said...

I agree with you about how if there were volcanoes on the moon could they support life.How would we know if a volcanoe erupted that it could support life? Thats what I'm confused about.
Sydney Kilgore and Rachel Royer

anonymous said...

Also, the seismic experiment can tell us about the rocks that the moon has inside it and outside and how they relate to the earth.
~Madison Schnell and Adam Lyons

anonymous said...

emma,What do you think will happen if there was an volcano eruption on the moon? do you think it would be the same as the ones on earth?? and in my post i meant to say similar
~deborah park

Anonymous said...

the semis data could show that the moons core could be more active then we think i would want to go to the moon and be able to be in the outer space

anonymous said...

That the core may be like earths core, with a solid inner core and multon outer core. It also has thick partial melt layer. Could there be valconoes on the moon.
Brendan Mcwilliams

anonymous said...

We agree with Alexandra&Megan and Deborah, about wanting to play around and hit golf balls.

Reichling,Alex said...

The data will tell us more about the moon. So far scientist think that the moon's core is like the Earth's core. If I went to the moon i would want to stay there for a while to see what i could find, maybe a volcano or some type of evidence of a volcano.

anonymous said...

MAdison Schnell & Adam lyons

Sean Laake said...

Ever wonder why the Earth is round? Because it is spinning the mass of liquids and meshed solids retain shape. Same for the moon. And all other planets and moons.

Wall, Alexandra said...

playing around and jumping on the moon would be so fun! I would do that all day! Thats a good question if a volcano erupted on the moon would it be the same as on earth? Thats good to think about. and btw what is simiar?
Alexandra wall and megan sheridan

George McFarren said...
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George McFarren said...

In the 1970s, astronauts left a seismic experiment on the moon. They have new analysis that can give us vital information into the lunar core. The lunar core is probably like the core of the Earth, with a solid inner core and molten outer core. According to the new analysis the moon has an outter core like ours. On science friday they will talk about what they discovered.

-George McFarren and Ethan Mercurio.

KAM said...

The data can tell us if the moon works like earth with the moving plates and if it has earthquakes and other natural disasters related to plate techtonics.If I were sent to the moon, I'd want to learn if there are volcanoes (if there was I would want to know how they affect the moon)Could they possibly change the moon so extremely that it could support life?

KAM said...

I agree with Emma; I would like to know if a volcano could explode and change it enough for there to posably be life on the moon.

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

The data shows us that the moon does work like the Earth or if it has any natural disasters like
Earth does. If I were sent to the moon, I would like to learn if there used to be life on the moon. Could the moon be so similar to the Earth that it could in the future support life?

-Emily Heckman. :)

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

I agree with Alexandra I would like to know if there is any volcanoes on the moon. :)

-Emily Heckman :)

johnsholly said...

the data tells us that the moon works like the earth with moving plates and if it had natral disasters and earthquakes related to plate tectonics.but if we were sent to the moon i would want to learn if there were any earthquakes or volcanos. and i agree with emma because i would want to know if they could change the moon that it could support life on the moon

Fairbanks,Joey said...

I think this tells us that the moon has plates. I would like to learn more about how the moon got all of the craters it has now.

A, Owen said...

The scientists have analyzed 30 year old data and discovered that the moon has a core. It also has layers just like earth. The earth's layers are core, the magma like mantle, and then the crust with all the craters. This data already existed, but the technology was not available to prove the theory. The seismographs, which are used to measure quakes, were deploid on all of the Apollo missions except for thirteen which never made it to the moon. Moonquakes are more near the center of the moon unlike earthquaked which are more near the outer layer. I would like to learn why these moonquakes happen, and what makes them happen. I would also like to see what is on the dark side of the moon. I would also like to hop on the moon and feel the surface. Last, I would like to find the American flag that was put on the moon by the first Americans. Is that flag still there?

A, Owen said...

Emma has an interesting question. What if the moon could support life? Who would want to live there, and WHY would they want to live there? There are a lot of unstable materials that we cannot build on, and the cost would be out of this world.However, it is nice to imagine living on the moon and jumping around in a low gravity environment. I could dunk a basketball.

Hailey Hoover said...

The seismic data was created to find the detect vibrations and tilting of the lunar tells us if the moon is like earth and has moving plates, and natural disasters that go along with plate techtonic such as, vlocano eruptions and what not. the data also tells us measurements from today and the past. I would want to learn more about why people weigh less than on the moon than they do on Earth. another thing i would enjoy learning about is space and how the moon came along and other information along those lines.

anonymous said...

This tells us that the moon is just like the earth, It means the moon has plate tectonics. The thing that is funny is what if the moon could form mountains!

~Charlie Freudemann~