Monday, November 29, 2010

Hurricane on the Bayou

How are wetlands formed?  What important roles do they play environmentally and as a storm surge protector? Do you think that the effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been greater or less if the wetlands were still in place?  What can be done to restore the wetlands at the mouth of the Mississippi River.  View the link to the Hurricane on the Bayou website and give us your thoughts

Hurricane on the Bayou


Mrs. Martz said...

Go through the whole website of Hurricane on the Bayou, there are groups dedicated to wetland preservation

Brady Farmer said...

wetlands are formed by erosion.they are served as a vital "speed bump" that helped to slow hurricane damage and protect louisiana from the tragic flooding of storm surges.the damage from hurricane katrina was less from the bayou because it says that every 2.7 feet of wetlands can reduce deadly storm surges by a foot.we can save the bayou if we build walls around the bayou because the water in the bayou is fresh but some of the salt water from the ocean comes into the bayou and it can kill the animals because they would not be used to the salt water because they would be used to the fresh water.


Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help stop the hurricane by a foot and help by not letting the water pass. They would be less because we dont have as many wetlands but if we did they would help lessen the effects and make the water smaller by a foot. We can help by not building on them and also not putting salt water into them so it dosent kill the trees.


I agree with brady about saving the bayou we should build walls to protect it from hazards.

oleary stephanie said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. they help environmentlly by slowing the storm down and that causes less damage to us. i think katrina would have been less damaging if they were still in place. but i might of damged the wetlands even more. the wetlands can be restored by us planting special trees and help restore the special soil. my thoughts are that hurricane katrina did alot of damage. and the wetlands were also damaged. the animals that lived there were lost like how the mom alligator had 40 babies and when the storm was over she only had one left.the new orleans people played alot of jazz.

Wall, Alexandra said...

Wetlands are formed by deposition from other river banks. But lately there has been too much water, causing flooding, which made some of the wetlands disappear. Wetlands are natural speed bumps fro a hurricane. If there were more wetlands still existing in New Orleans then there would have been less damage because there would have been more "speed bumps." There can be new plants and such planted in the wetland area.

anonymous said...

Most of wetlands are formed by erosion all the water carrying dirt. The wetlands help with hurricanes because it absorbes the watter. The effects on Katrina would be less. We can help by building damms to keep out the salt water and also we do not want to build on them.
Ethan Mercurio

:) Jaspers, Abby (: said...

Wetlands are basicly formed by rain, floodwater, and erosion. They act as speedbumps for hurricanes. Yes the hurrican would have hit less if there were more wetlands in New Orleans. Like Anthony said we can help them by not building on them and also the canals made it worse because of the satwater that got into the wetlands causing them to die and dry out. My thoughts about the wesite is its very helpful and has a fun ring to it :).

anonymous said...

future of New Orleans depend on the preservation of these wetlands. wetlands are caused by erosion.wetlands help stop the hurricane by a foot.

~Daniel O'Hearn~

oleary stephanie said...

i agree with brady about saving the wetlands beacause they are relly important to nature

Kilgore, Sydney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help reduce the hight by one foot every mile. Less because the wetlands acted as a speed bump slowing the hurricane down. We can help by stopping the salt water from going into the wetlands so the trees and animal species dont die, give the wetlands time to grow back.

Park Deborah said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. “speed bump” that helped to slow hurricane damage and protect Louisiana from the tragic flooding of storm surges. I think the effects of Hurrcain Katrina would have been greater if the wetlands were still in place. Fix the wetland problem and not use salt water because it kills the tree's, plant more tree's."the state of Louisiana to lose an incredible 16,000 acres of land each and every year." I thought wow when i read that sentence. The state of Louisiana could be gone forever one day...

Evan Triplett said...

wetlands are made by erosion and the deposites of soil.The hurrican must have been horrable and then the loss of family and your house would just ad to it.

Sean Laake said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion and deposition. The Wetlands work like a speed bump, they slow down the hurricane so it disintergrates to cause less damage. How we can restore the wetlands is by first createing a filter to drain the salt from the canals so it does not kill trees. Get rid of the Levees and replace them with flood gates, that way the river can flow freely to deposit more soil in the bayou. Next is to plant more trees and marsh. This will restore the wtlands over time. Also place stone walls around islands so erosion does not take the land away. What I think of what happended can only be described by one word;Terrible. It would have been terrible to lose your home like that. I have felt that same feeling to when I heard the news that my house caught on fire. But because it happened a few years ago, people started to stop the funding. Donate more money to them, New Orleans hasn't fully been built and it will take a long time to replenish it to full health. Next time they will be ready, and next time, it will not happen.

anonymous said...

i agree with anthony that we should builld a wall or something to protect it from hazards.

~Daniel O'Hearn~

Reichling,Alex said...

Wet lands are formed when a river deposites soil and other material. The wetlands provide a natural speed bump from storms and slow them down. I think there would have been less damage if there was more wetlands because without as much of the wetlands there wasn't a lot of protection. They can plant plants, take down the flood gates and and let nature do what it wants to do.

Kilgore, Sydney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anonymous said...

I agree with Tony and Brady:
I do think that ewalls or dams should be built around the bayou to keep all the salt water out
Ethan Mercurio

Madison Schnell said...

wetlands were formed by depostition from river banks and erosion caused them to spread out. Wetlands play an important role because they help stop hurricanes and dont let water pass through them as easily. A a storm surge protecter they are important because thy help Lousinia from the flooding and storm surges, it can reduce damage in the area better then other dryer places. if the wetlands were still in place there would have been less damage because there would have been more wetlands to help stop the storm rather than make it stronger. To restore the wetlands ar the delta of the Mississippi we can do is to learn more about wetlands and understand them more and watch what we do with our garbage up here because it might end up in the Lousiania wetlands soon some day.

Anonymous said...

I agree with sean that it would be terrible to lose your home and the things that you have keep your whole life.

Sheridan,Megan said...

Wetlands are formed by deposition from other river banks. Wetlands are slso formed by erosion. They are spoeed bumps to the hurricane. I think the effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been less if the wetlands were still there because they are speed bumps for a hurricane. I think planting plants or something could be done to restore the wetlands at the mouth of the mississippi river.

Park Deborah said...

@ ethan
that would be a good idea. to build dams to keep salt water out.

Kilgore, Sydney said...

Wetlands are formed by depostion and erosion from other river banks.
They are a protectors because they are a natural speed bump to the hurricane.I think hurricane Katrina would have had less affect if the wetlands were there since they are a natural speed bump. To help restore the wetlands you could plant new plants.

Madison Schnell said...

Alexandra I am asking the same thing, the wetlands are full of water and mud, so why if it floods it causes them to dissappear?

Anonymous said...

bayous are very important for wildlife and with flooding these habitats are being destroyed but with boats they dont need to worry because there boatshave a big propeller in the back so is lifted up so it dose not harm the little wild life there

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed erosion we could save thee wetlands like they did with the alligators. I agree with eathon we could build dams and protect eachother with the dams.
by Ted young

Evan Triplett said...

I agree with ethan on the wetland being like a speed bump but now after katrina there is less of the wetland to stop the next one,lets hope there isnt a nother one

Kilgore, Sydney said...

Alexandra: How does flooding cause the wetlands to disappear?
I also agree about how the wetlands slowed the hurricane because they are a spped bump.

Sheridan,Megan said...

How does the wetland disapear?

Anonymous said...

i agree with brady we should build walls so the bayous are safe from flood water

Madison Schnell said...

Deborah I agree, if people dont start thinking about it now and paying attention to it then Lousiania could be flooded and be gone forever if the wetlands keep disappearing then many people and animals will die or be badly injured.

Park Deborah said...

@ madison
thats true...i didnt even think of that. it would be really bad if our garbages ended up in the wetlands

Kilgore, Sydney said...

I thinkI agree with you sean about how it is terrible to lose your home and other items through a hurricane so i think it would be a good idea to restore the wetlands so it would help reduce the effect the next time a hurricane comes.

Sheridan,Megan said...

I never thought of building damms but that would probably help.

Madison Schnell said...

Also a way to help restore the wetlands is to keep the salt water out of the bayou by building walls or something around the bayou to keep the water fresh and the animals and plants safe.

Wall, Alexandra said...

Sydney, Megan and Madison: The wetalnds are now under water from ocean water flooding them. Causing them to be completely under water, making them go away and "disappear"

Sheridan,Megan said...

Madison and Deborah,
I agree with you guys. That would be terrible if garbage ended up in the wetlands because it could harm many different things.

anonymous said...

wetlands are very important because they serve as a natural speed bump for hurricanes and the last thing new orleanes needs right now is another hurricane.the wetlands hold hundreds of spieces of animals and if the wetlands are destroyed the animals natural habbiat would be destroyed and when that happens they will have to move into the citys and then you have a animal infesttation

Adam Lyons

Royer Rachel said...

Wetlands are formed by rivers depositing sediments and minerals and by erosion.
The wetlands act as a "speed bump" to help slow down the damage of hurricanes and to protect Louisana from its storm surges.
I think the damage would have been less but only about the flooding if the wetlands were still there, beuse in the movie they said that every 3 miles of wetlands takes down 1 ft of water.I only think the wetlands could help the flooding because wind was another main concern but the wetlands cant catch the wind like they can do for the water.
I think to help save the wetlands we could create barriers of some sort to block the saltwater from coming into the wetlands because the saltwater kills the lants and animals in the wetlands.

Royer Rachel said...

To Brady:
I agree with you about creating a barrier of some sort to block the saltwater from coming into the wetlands.
What ideas do you have for the barrier?

anonymous said...

i agree with ethan if the wetlands wernt being destroyed they would have helped a lot during the hurricane

Adam Lyons

George McFarren said...

People in Louisiana built mounds ao when the yearly flood came it would not destroy their crops. The mounds blocked the soil from the water to replenish the wetlands. When we made canals for ships to go through the saltwater from the ocean got in the wetlands and started killing all the trees and grass. If New Orleans has another hurricane almost all of their wetlands will be destroyed and all of the animals will have to find another place to live. They might even move into the city.

George McFarren said...

I agree with Daniel becasue the wetlands help stop the hurricane but because the wetlands are being destroyed they are vonerable for another hurricane.

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

Wetlands are made from erosion.A wetland will slow down a storm an this is a role of the enviorment.I think that they would have less affect if the wetlands were still in place.I think planting trees would help restore the wetlands.My thoughts are kinda sad.I feel sad for the 1 crocadile who only had 1 baby left.I hated how 1000s of birds died.Also I felt sad for the people whos housed were destroyed.

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I agree with stephanie people from New Orleans play a lot of jazz.

KAM said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion.They act as speedbumps for hurricanes. They help stop the hurricane by a foot and help by not letting the water pass. I think the effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been less if the wetlands were still there. I think planting plants could be done to restore the wetlands at the mouth of the mississippi river.

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I ment houses

KAM said...

I agree with Daniel because the wetlands could help stop hurricanes but because the wetlands are being destroyed they are vulnerable for another hurricane.

I also agree with Anthony,about saving the bayou we should build walls to protect it from hazards.

How does the wetland disapear?

Ryan, Marissa said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion and the wetlands absorb the water and are speed bumps for hurricanes. The effects of Katrina would've been less because they would've been able to again, act as speedbumps and lessen the force of the hurricane. We could build damms to keep the salt water from distroying the wetlands.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed when rivers carry sediment down stream and deposite it in a delta. wetlands are home to many plants and animals,like alligator, turtles, fish and birds, and without the wetlands they would die. every 3 miles of wetlands reduces the storm surge by 1 foot.i think that the effects of hurricane katrina would be less if the wetlands were still in place because it would have hit the land eariler slowing it down.they can plant mangrove trees to hold the soil in place so it doesn't wash away into the sea and they can put up walls on the beaches to keep the sand from eroding into the sea.

Candi Sheehan

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help reduse waves by 1 fooot every mile.They work like speed bumps. They reduce the damage of hurricans. If we take out the salt water it would help because the salt water is killing the animals and trees.We have to let the wetlands grow back or else the hurricans are going to get worse and worse.
David Meiners

anonymous said...

Brendan I agree with u the e have to let the wetlands grow back or more and more people are going to get hurt.
David Meiners

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion and deposition. The Mississippi river carries sediment to the bayou near New Orleans and it builds it up. Wetlands help against hurricanes by acting as a kind of speed bump. By building levees, huge walls that keep New Orleans from flooding, the wetlands can not form as fast and hurricanes will hit harder. When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, there were not enough wetlands to weaken it. Most of the population evacuated to safety, but thousands were left trapped after the levees broke and flooded New Orleans. While being repaired, New Orleans had flood gates added that help the Mississippi river rebuild the wetlands.
Posted by: Sam Tendam

anonymous said...

the wetlands collect the waterthe storm realeses. the trees give the citys around the wetlands bby the wind hitting the trees. and the wetlands soke up alot of thee rain.
if the wetlands were still there and if hurricain kutriana came back the storm would be less powerful

jr miller

Abby Bacher said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion ands depostition. When it rains, it erodes down on the ground to create a watered-down swamp like sctructe known as a wetland. When a hurricane hits, a wetland helps to catch all of the storm surges. Every 2 feet of wetlands reduces a big percentage of a hurricane when one hits.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. the wetlands act as speed bumps for hurricans. if wetlands were still in place the inpact on New Orleans would be less damage because the wetlands slow hurricans down. to restore the mississippi river we can plant trees and help bring back wildlife.

Kelly Rogers

Ryan, Marissa said...

I agree with Anthony, we could help the wetlands by not building on them because when we build on them, that destroys them. And building on the "speedbumps" will be a worse outcome to hurricanes and a worse outcome on the people who are in the building. So obviously building on the "speedbump" area, would give a worse outcome to the poeple behind and in the buildings built there.

McGinnis,Ben said...

wetlands are formed by ersion. wetlands help protect from floods and other natrul accuring disasters.less because the wet lands would stop alot of the damage. we can stop building there that is one of the biggest things to do.

anonymous said...

@ David Meiners:
I agree with helping rebuild the wetlands. If people could rebuild the wetlands, New Orleans will not take as much damage from hurricanes. I also agree with getting rid of the salt water because it is killing trees and diminishing the wetlands. Oh, and by the way, you misspelled reduce.
Posted by: Sam Tendam

anonymous said...

good point we could build dames to keep the water freash. i think the people of New Orleans might like this idea but what if the dames break? then what would New Orleans do?

kelly rogers

McGinnis,Ben said...

anthony i agree with you wetland are very improtant in protecting from huricanes

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by sediments that are flowing down he river, which are then deposited in a certain area which then builds up and makes a wetland. Therefore wetlands are created by deposition it could also be created by erosion too, but mostly deposition. They act as barriers at times they are also important because many living creatures live in wetlands and have habitats there. I think Hurricane Katrina would have caused less damage if they were all still there in place; because they said with wetlands disapearing the next hurricane will most likely destroy New Orleans's land and some other areas there. It can be restored by planting some plants there giving more soil to the land. I think it is very tragig that this happened. I feel bad for those who lived there. It is also said because they love the wetlands.

- Michael Van Schoik

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by Erosion. Lately there has been too much water, causing flooding, which made some of the wetlands disappear. In the past served as a speed bump that helped to slow hurricane damage and protect Louisiana from the tragic flooding of storm surges. If the wetlands were still in place, there would've been less damage because there would have been more wetlands to help stop the storm rather than make them stronger.

-Corissa Sturm,(:

anonymous said...

Alexandra is right wetlands are also created by sediments being deposited from other river banks.
I like your point that wetlands are natural speed bumps for hurricanes. I think it is sad that this lands has been flooded.

- Michael Van Schoik

Breadon,Zac said...

wetlands are formed by erosion
and can prevent hurricanes but in bayou i guess there werent enough to stop hurricane katrina

anonymous said...

brady, acording to the video every 3 MILES of wetland reduces the storm surge by 1 foot

stephanie, we dont know that there was only one baby alligator left there could have been alot of them but they just didn't see them because they were swiming under water or covered in the plants that float on the water hiding

i think that new orleanes shoul not have pumped the water out of the city but left it there and rebuilt the city some were up river not on the wetlands and let the mississippi river flow naturaly and deposite it sediment were it wants to

candi sheehan

anonymous said...

Sean, I completely agree with what you have said it is simply terrible what has happened to new orleans. You are right they could build stone flood gates to help prevent flooding. Also they can plant some plants to gain soil.

- Michael Van Schoik

freel,amanda said...

Wetlands are formed when water and soil mix together to create wetlands(Erosion). They stay where they are and help protect the water animals. Less, because without the wetlands there is less water. Put, walls/blocks to stop the water from getting through. I thought the link was really neat.

freel,amanda said...

I agree with Anthony Papathanas:
I do agree with you about trying not to kill all the trees because they give us paper and to build more bridges.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by deposition and erosion they help stop hirricans by a foot. the effects of the hurricans would be even lessen but we do not have many wetlands but if we did it would help our ecosystem from the harmful effects by a hurrican.

gorman,kyle said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. I think if the wetlands were still in place it would of been less. We should build walls around the Bayou so the wetlands can be restored. Overall I think that hurricane Katrina had a big effect all over the U.S.A because we still talk about it today and it was like 5 years ago.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by erosion and a river or some water source depositing water into it. it acts as a speed bump for a hurricane. I think the effects would have been less because if the wetlands were still there at the time they would have reduced flooding in New Orleans.Create water leves so the Mississippi River can keep depositing water into the wetlands.

Ryan Bussard

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

Everybody knows that wetlands are formed by erosion. They're known as a "speed bump" and they help slow down the hurricane instead of speeding up the process. When I saw the part when the whole town was destroyed, I was so totally devastated. I understood how they felt. Is that even possible?

-Emily Heckman

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

I agree with Kyle Gorman, he's right that Hurricane Katrina had a big impact on the United States. Especially New Orleans. It was just so emotional to see everything go down like that. I can't believe it.

-Emily Heckman

gorman,kyle said...

To Brady: I agree with you alot we should build walls

Anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by water and erosion and deposition. Enviornmentally, they provide a home for many of the wild life there. About 400 different species. When the wetlands are destroyed, so are many of the species residing there.
Wetlands also provide as a storm surge protector. They can hold the hurricane off by a foot. I think if the wetlands were still in place, they probably could have lessened the damage. Not by a lot, but at least a little. To restore the wetlands, they'd probably have to get rid of some of the levis and other man made forms that are supposedly protecting them.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by deposition and erosion wetlands lessens the effects of hurricans but since we dont have many of them the harmful effects are still severe this is why i think we need to save the wetlands because we are not just helping the ecosystem we are also helping ourselves

-Dylan Humbert

anonymous said...

Wetlands are pretty much formed by erosion.Wetlands are areas where water covers up the soil. They are important because they hold habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species. They are usually found around rivers and river's delta such as the mississippi delta that was destroyed by the tragic hurricane Katrina. The delta wetland is called a delta marsh. I think it would be wayyy greater because th mississippi delta marsh was big and held a ton of water. I would build biiiiger and stronger levees to hold all the water in. I would be really sad if a hrricane came up in my state because It would tear up my home and injure my loved ones

~Charles Freudemann~

Fairbanks,Joey said...

Wetlands are formed by dirt that builds up over a long period of time. The wetlands are homes for lots of animals and they protect people from hurricanes. I think that the effects of hurricane katrina would have been less because the wetlands would work as a natural barrier. To plant trees could help restore the wetlands. I really like the music to the website.

anonymous said...

I disagree with candi because they had to pump the water to get they city back up again. but they could leave a little water.

~Charlie Freudemannn~

anonymous said...

Brady thats a good idea about how to save the wetlands. Building walls but I also think it could be bad because over time I think the wetlands would dry up

Ryan Bussard

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help preserve and restore lost soil and reduce potential flooding. I think that the effects would have been less if the wetlands were still in place. One way to restore the wetlands would be to put up more levies and put them aroound the islands. My thoughts on the slide show were sad, and very sorryful.
Alex Richmond

lemmink,kyle said...

huricane katrina didnt hurt the bayou as bad thanks to the wetland. wetlands are formed by erosion and the wetlands in new orleans are depleding. the wetlands are considered natural spped bumps to protect new orleans from hurricans.

Xavier Frisch said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion.
They slow down hurricanes like speed bumps. The effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been less if the wetlands were what they used to be. We can clear a path so the Mississippi River flows naturaly. I think it is a good idea to try and restore the wetlands, but I don't know why you would want to build at a place that is BELOW sea level in the first place. It just doesnt make sense to me.

anonymous said...

I agree with you Charlie on building levies to pretect the wetlands and on if their were more mashes.

Bass,Zoey said...

wetlands are made by erosion and rain and flood water..they are kind of like a hurricane "speed bump" that helped the hurricane in Louisiana slow. it said that every 2.7 feet of wetlands can reduce deadly storm surges by about a foot! i agree with stephine, i think we can help save the bayou by planting those special plants that we saw in the end of video to help keep the soil fertile .

Kylie Hayes said...

Wetlands are formed by Erosion. Restoring wetlands can reduce the desturctive potential of flooding, wetland restoration and preservation is an important component of comprehensive flood protection strategy. Preserving wetlands can offer a degree of protection against flooding that is often more effective. I think that it would have still been a bad hurricane but with the protection of the wetlandas it could have been less cruel, there could have been less damage with the protection but I think it would have been the same but with alot less damage. We could put up leeves to restore the wetlands. I think this site could help people get the thought in mind about getting out and restoring the land to its oringal state.

@Deborah Park,
Could Louisanna really be gone? Like i understand how it could disapper but forever gone?
Kylie Hayes

Xavier Frisch said...

@ sean laake
You are right; it would be horrible to lose your home like that. Especially if you lived your whole life in it. All of your personel belongings would have been destroyed. Everything special to you... destroyed.

anonymous said...

I posted it's above my name
Alex Richmond

imushrush said...

How are wetlands formed?they are formed by erosionWhat important roles do they play environmentally and as a storm surge protector?they help prevent floods Do you think that the effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been greater or less if the wetlands were still in place?less because it wold hold some of the water from flooding more What can be done to restore the wetlands at the mouth of the Mississippi giant wall burriers and ditches

imushrush said...


anonymous said...

-wetlands are formed when rivers(like the mississippi river) flood and the soil deposits.
-they house endangered animals and plants
-they would be less.because the water would have gone into the byuo then into new orleans.
-we can build new plants and make sure that we keep it clean so that the animals can live happy lives.
nick aichele

anonymous said...

I disagree with tony. wetlands are made by rivers flooding.

imushrush said...

Good thinkingBrady Farmer

cade harvey said...

Wetlands are land masses partly eroded most of it is coverd in water.The wetlands are extremly important to the enviernment habbatat and plants both live there and there a great reasource to protect againts hurracains and for food and water.If the wetlands were larger the hurracian would have stopped.To build larg walls to protect the people and restor the wetlands slowly.

Ryan Weber said...

Wetlands are formed by the sediments that comes from the river when it floods. Environmentaly they play good rolls because when a unwanted visitor comes for an animal he can pounce on it from the river bank from being disguised. Storm surge wise I think its one of the most dangerous type of lands becuase, the wind could wipe everything away. More because, of the comment that I just made above how it is so dangerous with the mud and all washing away. Build like stone walls like the video siad or something to protect it.

cade harvey said...

Ethen @
I thought that dames made large blocks to prevent flooding and store water easier isen't it?

Ryan Weber said...

I like Anthony Papathonis's comment because, it gives good detail.

johnsholly said...

when hurricane katrina came it was 200 miles wide.the people who were there were trapped because of the water,but thousands evacuated the city.the storm washed away miles of orlans was filled with water.people had to live on there roofs because of the flood.when the got all ther water out of the city some people had to make sacrafices because there house wasent safe to live in they had to tear down and rebild houses.

anonymous said...

mrs martz i think there could have been less injuries in huracain katrina if they would have evacuated quicker.i also feel bad for the animals that were hurt and killed during hurricane katrina im just thankful that i wasnt there when it happened if i was there i would have stayed during the hurricane and after it i would have gone from house to house helping people wih whatever they needed. NATHAN STENGER

Bettner,Aaron said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They served as a natural "speed bump" to slow hurricanes from going to far inland. It protects from high storm surge because the water absorbs the surge as it goes inland; therefor the water will get deeper after a storm or hurricane. I think the effects of hurricane Katrina would have been less damaging if the wetands were still in place because it would have absorbed more of the storm surge. We can plant more trees and plants and stop building more man made structures and let nature take its turn to build.

Kamilah Williams said...

wetlands are formed by erosions they help stop the hurricane by a foot and help by not letting the water pass through to get to the city. the wetland are enviornmentally friendly. its nice to see because the eath is trying to go green anyway.ever since the hurricane hit i think that the wetlands are trying to grow but if they had a storm right now (just imagine for now) the wetlands might not work. to restore the wetland back in place is they could put like plants the belong in wetland and make it heathey with sun. the more plants the stronger the wetland will get.

anonymous said...

That most of been terible to go through. I can not amagine all the horror. Im thankful that we live ine a place where it cant get any hurricanes. I also found it intresting how people survived the great storm. Exspecially how that family had to survive on a roof and her daughter had to fight that snakes fir her family.

By Luke Brockman

johnsholly said...

i agree with zoey and stephnie they should plant thoes plants to fertilize the soil

Bettner,Aaron said...

@Xavier Frisch I dont think we should build any more canals because saltwater could get in.

anonymous said...

i also agree with tony we should build a wall to protect things

Kamilah Williams said...

wow holly i didnt know that the hurricane was 200 miles wide i that it was more than that

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion.They serve as a speed bump that slows down a hurricane damage and protect New Orleans.It says that every 2.7 feet of wetlands can reduce deadly storm surges.We can save the bayou by build ing walls along the shore line to pre vent the water from flooding the town.
Andrew hudson

anonymous said...

I agree with brady farmer that a wetland is like a vital"speed bump".
Andrew hudson

anonymous said...

that stinks that the bayou was flooded because of the hurricane hopefully they will get there wetlands back taylor roberts

A, Owen said...

Sediment from the Mississippi river settles after the river has its yearly flood and forms the wetlands. When a hurricane comes it losses its power because once a hurricane hits land it losses its size so it's not as strong. I think the effects would be less because for every three miles of land the hieght of the storm losses a foot. Let the Mississippi river flood naturally and plant some new trees that will restore the sediment. I really like the music for the link and I think it fits Louisiana perfectly.

A, Owen said...

I agree with Kamila if they had another hurricane, or if hurricane Irene (a hurricane 50 years ago that was one of the strongest) hit today New Orleans would probably be gone and I mean gone as in not there at all.

Jaspers.Abby said...

Madison Schenell:
I agreee with you that Wetlands play an important role in helping to stop hurricanes and not let water pass through as easily. The hurricane would have been a lot less bad if we still had as many wetlands.

batmanstake said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. wetlands help slow down a hurricane from coming. if the wetlands were still in place the hurricane wouldnt have had that much of an effect and it would get there slower. to restore the wetlands they have to plant more trees.

batmanstake said...

i agree with owen apparius and also think that when a hurricane hits the wetlands, the hurricane gets smaller and weaker.

Mrs. Martz said...
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kaleb.quinlan said...

wetlands are formed by erosion.they serve as a "speed bump" that helped to slow hurricane damage and protect places from the tragic flooding of storm surges.the damage from hurricane katrina was less from the bayou because it says that every 2.7 miles of wetlands can reduce deadly storm surges by a foot.we can save the bayou if we build walls around the bayou because the water in the bayou is fresh but some of the salt water from the ocean comes into the bayou and it can kill the animals because they would not be used to the salt water because they would be used to the fresh water.

Hailey Hoover said...
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ciARRa said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help stop the hurricane by a foot and help by not letting the water pass. They would be less because we dont have as many wetlands but if we did they would help lessen the effects and make the water smaller by a foot. We can help by not building on them and also not putting salt water into them so it dosen't kill the trees.

kaleb.quinlan said...

i agree with madison because i also think that if we get rid of our garbage it will help the wetlands

ciARRa said...

i agree with keleb because it would kill the trees

Hailey Hoover said...

Wetlands are formed by land being covered by water in which the water stays and the land becomes a wetland. Environmentally, wetlands play an important roll because they acta as a habitat to crocodiles,alligators,birds and more. Wetlands are an alright storm portector because they do absorb most of the blows,but not all of them.I think the hurricane would have hit the places less because wetlands absorb water, so the water would stay in the grassy part of the wetland. The residents could restore the wetlands by putting more sand down.that would create more of a barrier for the wetlands.

Hailey Hoover said...

@ Aaron Bettner.
i agree that the effects of hurricane Katrina would have been less damaging if the wetands were still in place because it would have absorbed more of the storm surge.

Hailey Hoover said...

@ Ethan Mercurio.
i agree that we should build damms to keep out the salt water and also we do not want to build on them. that is a great idea.

Hailey Hoover said...

@ abby jaspers.
i agree that the hurricane would have hit less if there were more wetlands in New Orleans. i also agree that wetlands are speed bumps for hurricanes.

anonymous said...

@Kylie Hayes.
I wonder the same thing, will or could it be gone? Cause losing 16,000 acers every year is pretty insane. It's scary to realize that. You are right, Deborah, it could be gone one day. . .

-Corissa Sturm,(:

Anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. they are like speed bumps for the storm.
the effects wouldve been greater with out the wetlands to slow down the hurricane. it wouldve damaged new orleans alot more than it had already.
i say to just let the mississippi river flow by it self.....with a little control.....but take catuion for another hurricane

anonymous said...

Wetlands are made by deposition from river banks. But Now Since The Flooding has started happening the wetlands are sort of just going away. Wetlands are like a a little speed bump with hurricanes. I think hurricane katrina would have been worse if they didnt have wetlands near them. Erosion helps all the wetlands spread apart.

~Kailey Carter~

anonymous said...

I Agree With Sean It Would Be Horrible To Lose Yourr House And Pretty Much Everything.

~Kailey Carter~

Oakes, Ally said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They help slow down hurricanes.If te wetlands were still in New Orleans, the damage from hurricane Katrina would not be as bad.

Oakes, Ally said...

I agree with Kaily and Sean because it would be really horrible to lose your house and everything; I don't know if I could ever go back because I would want to because it was my home but I would be afraid to because it would be destroyed.

Duebber, Jenna said...

Wetlands are formed by deposition from other river banks. But there has been too much water, causing flooding, which is destroying wetlands. Wetlands help stop and prevent damage for hurricanes. If more wetlands were present during Katrina, it would've done much less damage. Which means Katrina would've done less if more wetlands were present. The wetlands are also known as "speed bumps." So more wetlands would serve as more "speed bumps" to stop the hurricane. There can be new plants planted in the wetland area to start restoring wetlands. The new plants would root the soil more so that the soil wouldn't wash away.

Gillian said...

Wetlands are made by erosion. They help by stoping a storm. If wetlands were still in place Hurricane Katrina would do less damage. You can clean the wetlands.

Duebber, Jenna said...

@ Aaron Bettner:

I agree, I don't think we should build more canals because saltwater could get in, and that could get to be very destructive. I wonder what all the factors for wetlands dsappearing are. If we did build more canals, and they did bring saltwater in, what would we do? I mean, we couldn't really take back what we did. In my opinion, I think there should not be more canals built.

Gillian said...

I agree with Alexandra we could plant in the bayou. I aslo agree with Rachel we could create bariers to block the saltwater from coming into the wetlands.

Duebber, Jenna said...

@ Deborah Park:

I agree, if we don't take charge now, Louisana could be gone one day. That would be awfully devastasting. I wonder how our community would handle it? It would be a news chart topper. We need to take charge and make a difference. Not so much restoring houses but more focusing on planting, and restoring the wetlands.

Sara said...

-many homes were destroyed
-the largest hurrican in records
-the hurricane cauzed people to live on their roof if they didnt leave when they were suposed to
-the flooding was major
-some ordinary people in boats went around to help people
THe marsh hellped protect the area from hurricanse but because of all the damage they are dissapearing and because of the hurricane it bacame even worst
Less- the hurrican would have been less if the wetlands were still there
To restore the wetlands you can plant the plats that it mention in the movie, but it might take alot of time it should be worth it

Kylie Hayes said...

@Corissa Sturm,
It is very scary. Louisanna is such an amazing place, I wish there was ways to stop everythign from happening. I would really love to travel there and visit and to help in any way I could, you in? Lets make it a rode trip(:
Kylie Hayes

Sara said...

@Madison S.
To help restore the wetlands you can also plant many plants to restore it.

Anonymous said...

@ Deborah: Gone forever? What would happen? Would Louisiana get like pulled under the ocean from flooding? Or would it ever be able to be found again?

coors amber said...

-hurricane katrina destroyed some more wetlands.
-hurricane katrinakilled many animals
-it also destroyed many homes.
-it seperated many families
-if i were a part of hurricane katrina,i would be very sad if my family got seperated or if i lost my pets or my home. i cant imagine what they all went through. my dog is a rescue dog from hurricane katrina and i can only imagine what she went through and i feel bad for the family that lost her

Anonymous said...

@ Tony:
Yeah, I think they should build a wall or something. It would help keep all the saltwater out, and it will help restore the wetlands.

dace,connor said...

They are formed by the left over sediments from a river. They cause the storm to slow down at least a foot per hour. I think that the effects would be less than what had already happened. Let the river flood normaly.

Buis,Dylan said...

I agree with brady about saving the bayou we should build walls to protect it from hazards.

dace,connor said...

@ Tony
I agree completly about not building upon the wetlands.

Buis,Dylan said...

wetlands are formed by erosion.the damage from hurricane katrina was less from the bayou because it says that every 2.7 feet of wetlands can reduce deadly storm surges by a foot.we can save the bayou if we build walls around the bayou because the water in the bayou is fresh.

Giblin, Keegan said...

Wetlands can be habitats for many animals. The affects from Katrina would probely be less if the wetlands were still there.

Dorrington, Madison said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They work like speed bumps that help slow downthe hurricane damage.Less. To not build in that area and to not have any salt there.

@ Sara D. I also think that we can restore it if there are more plants.

Jenn Davis said...

Wetlands are formed by deposition. They make homes for many different kinds of animals like that alligator with its little ones. Also when a hurricane or something comes, its like a natural speed bump. I think that Hurricane Katrina would have been less if the wetlands were still there because it would have slowed it down and if there were enough wetlands, it could of mabye brought it down a catagory.

Freeman Andrew said...

Wetlands are formaed by erosion. Basically when the Mississippi River floods the banks the water leaves behind sediments to build the wetlands. The wetlands slow down the hurricans down because their like natural speed bumps. I think thet Hurricane Katrina would be less if the weetlands where still in place. I think if we protect the wetlands from salt water so it doesn't kill te trees.

anonymous said...

@ Anthony Papathanas
Thats interesting how you and I agree with brady about saving the bayou we should build walls to protect it from hazards.

By Luke Brckman

anonymous said...

we shold try to save the bayou its slowing down the hurricanes so they will not be that bad and that big.

kristan dalton

Jenn Davis said...

@ Katy Nortman
I agree that we should just let the river flow by its self and let the wetlands reform on its own.That way it can be all natural and animals could cocme back there to live.

Freeman Andrew said...

@ Alex Reichling
I agree with you Alex that they should just let nature take over.

anonymous said...

brady farmer

i agree with you brady we should save the bayou by putting walls up to pretect it.

kristan dalton

Jennifer20107 said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They maintain the balance and health of the ecosystem. I think that the Hurricane Katria would have been less, because it balances the ecosystem

Jennifer20107 said...

@ Abby I agree if there were more wetlands hurricans would hit less

Dickerson,Daniel said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They reduce the effects of storms and hurricanes. The effects od hurricane Katrina would have been much less if all the wetlands were still in place. We can stopbuilding on them and we should not let salt water get to them.

Dickerson,Daniel said...

I agree with Ethan that we could build dams.

Dickerson,Daniel said...

I think that wetlands are important and they should be protected.

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by Erosion. they are vital "speed bumps" they help to slow hurricanes down and they i've heard protect louisana from flooding i think that is right and @ stepanie i think that katrina would be too.

~Kristin Murphy<3

austin tilford said...

It sounds really sad when a hurricane happens there because all of the animals are there and they would die and people that live there would die there to, unless you evacuate the area. Some people decided to stay at there homes when the hurricane hit the bayou, and all those people who stayed died.

austin tilford said...

hurricanes are like "speed bumps". wet lands are caused by erosion. i agree with brady we should build walls.

Day,Tyler said...

Wet lands are formed by the proccess of erosion.Wetlands help protect against hurracaines.So I think they should have not messed with it.

Day,Tyler said...

I agree with Anthony I think it would be better if they kept the wetlands.

Hailey Hoover said...

wow i am super sad for all the people that lost something or someone due to hurricane katrina. i cant even imagine what it would be like to go through that.

anonymous said...

wetlands are formed by erosion.they help stop the hurricane they help stop the water from passing threw. we cann help the wetland by not building monkeys on the wetland and not put salt water in them.
Jordan harbour

keene,carlie said...

wetlands are formed by erosion they are used for speed bumps or also know as "vital". that helped hurricane damage and proteched louisian from a bad flooding of storm sturges. the storm was less worse because they say that ever 2.7 feet of wetlands can reduce atleast 1 foot of deadly storm surges.

keene,carlie said...

i agree with kristin dalton we should help save the bayou so it wont be more deadly next time.

Mariah Smith said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. They slow hurricanes down. Every 2.7 feet of wetlands reduce hurricanes by 1 foot. The effects of Katrina would have been less if the wetlands had been there, because the wetlands would have reduced the hurricane. If we could donate more money to the people who are restoring New Orleans, the city would be built faster and the wetlands could be restored.

Mariah Smith said...

I agree with Brady. Building walls around the bayou will help keep the water fresh.

Cecil,Tommy said...

Erosion. They slow storms down or reduce the effect. We could stop building around the river/bayou or have volunteer to help them out.

anonymous said...

i am with you anthony we shouldnt put salt andbuild near wetlands.

anonymous said...

i also think it would be less because it could help the wind some how.
jordan harbour

Anonymous said...

wetlans are formed from the deposits from the river into the oceans.......basically the wetlans are the flooded part of a ocean in a city.
the wetlans slow down the hurricane by alot if the wetlans werent there the hurricane wouldve gone up further into the city
the affects wouldve been alot more damaging to the city.
we can let the mississipi flow and not litter it so it can restore it to the natural way.

klingelhoffer,sawyer said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. it helps the vegatation grow in that perticular spot. greater. higher lands. i can't read anything on the website.

Giblin, Keegan said...

@ Mariah That is a good idea to start to raise money for victims of Katrina

anonymous said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion they stop the water and gather water to slow it down . The effects would be less but not to much because it will gather up some water but not much to stop a big hurricane. We can help by not building them.And i thought that the hurricane was terrible and I feel very bad for the people that had to go through that stuff.

hunter steimle

anonymous said...

I agree with rachel and brady it would be a great idea to build a barrior of some sort to stop the saltwater from getting in to the wetlands

hunter steimle

anonymous said...

im thinking wetlands are formed when soil erods-if thats how u spell it. wetlands soak up storms so that the storms dont caus as much damage. i think hericane catrina would have had less damage if the wetlands were still in place. youn can rebuild the wetlands at the mouth of the mississippi river.


anonymous said...

the wetlands are formed by eroisn and wetlands are very imporant to new orlens cause they stop the hurricane christian bond

anonymous said...

i agree with daniel o hern wetlands are formed by erosin

anonymous said...

erosion forms the wetlands. they are consitered as speedbumps for hurricanes because hurricanes get there power from the oncean and once they come on land they start to die and with all those wet lands there 2.7 feet of the wetlands reduce the damage of hurricane power (storm surge) by a foot so they are never as powerful as when they are in the sea. ir would be less because every three feet of wet land takes down the storm by a foot so its not that big of a storm when it get through. you could take the water out of the ocean and put it in places and rivers ad faciletys that need water and put sand and soil down and grow plants in it and nothing gets hurt

anonymous said...

austin papner

Francis,Jarod said...

The wetlands are formed by erosion. They play the role as a speed bump to help slow down Hurricanes. I think that the effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been less. I think that we could move more dirt to the parts where the wetlands used to be.

Francis,Jarod said...

I don't agree with you Brady we should not build walls adding to the problem of us building onto the wetlands.

valerierenee7 said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion.They help stop the flooding.The effects of Hurricane Katrina would have been less if the wetlands were still in place.They can help by building damm's to keep the salt water out of the Bayou.New Orleans always plays alot of jazz music.

valerierenee7 said...

@ Jarod

I agree with him because the wet lands are just like speed bumps.

kiphart,shane said...

well what could happen would the land form could fall apart animals would have to leave there habit and only a couple of animal could live there with any harm would harm people that live around that area and over all would damidge allot but it would tern over soil and etc.!!!!!!!!!!

kiphart,shane said...

i agree with Brady because wetlands are formed by erosion and etc and speed bumps that help to slow hurrican.

Granger,Hannah said...

Wetlands are formed by erosion. they help slow it down. less. there can be naw things.

Buelterman,Abbey said...

The wetlands are form by Erosion.It protected them from big hurricaines and storms.I think it would have been greater in the wetlands because all of the animals there and the plants that grow putting a shelter there that is un breakable so everything inside it would be safe including animals and plants plus many people.I thought it was a good link it helped me remember everything that we talked about.

Buelterman,Abbey said...

I agree with Valerie because they are like speed bumps.

Hutson,Caleb said...

wetlands are formed by erosion. it helps to hold all they flood water for the animals and the people and it slows down would have effected less beacuse of the way wetlands serve as a speed bump to hurricanes. i think just planting trees or something simple like that will strat it back up.

Hutson,Caleb said...

i agree with Brady Farmer if we bulit a wall around the bayou it will stop the salt water from getting into the bayou

anonymous said...

The wind and water from hurricanes can wear away rocks and other hard objects. They also can pick up loose dirt and sand. The strong winds can cause trees to fall.

-kaleigh mccarthy

Jedding, Lyd said...

wetlands are formed by rain. "speed bumps" that helped slow hurricane damage and to protect louuisiana from the tragggic flooding of storms surges. less. to buuild a barrier so the salt water wont get into bayou so it wont kill the animals.

@ kylie hayes i agree with you< witht he comment torward deborah