Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Shall We Build

As we come to a finish on out unit covering Erosion & Deposition, what are your thoughts on where Boomtown should build their new hotels, houses and shopping?  You have had a chance to examine various soil types found in the area, you have seen how the land has changed over the past 100 years, and you have looked at specific areas in Boomtown and how erosion has affected each one.  With all of this information, which area would you chose to build:  the seaside cliff, the green hill, or the marsh?  Explain why you chose where you chose


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Kilgore, Sydney said...

I say that you should build on the cliff. The cliff has very sticky soil which is more resistant to erosion. It doesn'y hsave very much wildlife so it will not effect the earth that much. I wouldn't puck the hill or marsh because if you used those areas you'd be affecting a lot of wildlife and plants. Also the soil in these areas are not very stable compared to the cliffs soil.

Evan Triplett said...

I would choose the cliff because it has no wild life and was was very stable.

Madison Schnell said...

I think Boomtown should build on the Seaside Cliff, because it has sticky soil and it more resitant to erosion and rain while the other soils fell apart right away. The Seaside Cliff doesnt haave many animals or plants anywhere so it would be best for the environment also rather then the Marsh or Hillside having a lot of animals.

Park Deborah said...

Anthony, The most stable soil type was seaside cliff...

Reichling,Alex said...

I think Boomtown should build on the seaside cliff because there was less erosion and they wouldn't need to destroy the forest or the marsh where more animals live. In our experiment the sticky seaside cliff soil was the most stable and it had alot of run off.

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Kilgore, Sydney said...

Anthony i thought that the cliff didn't erode as fast? And dont you think building at the marsh would be a bad idea, since it would kill many animals and other life?

anonymous said...

i would choose the sea side cliff. in the experement we did in class the sea side cliff was the most stable. the marsh and the green hill fell down quickly once on water came down on them. thats why i would choose the sea side cliff.

~Daniel O'Hearn~

Reichling,Alex said...

@ Anthony the marsh wasn't the one that was stable and didn't erode much. That was the Seaside cliff.

Madison Schnell said...
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Anonymous said...

i would build also at marsh because they would be easier to build at and the green hill erodes fast and the cliff erodes butnot as fast but the marsh erodes very slow and all the water is gone


Actuallty i think the cliff was the best because the sticky soil and there arent as many animals and i do agree wth sydney because the cliff was resisant

kiphart,shane said...

i would pick a marsh cause in the experminents it held up the longest and was the most stable. and will hold for a longer period of time.

anonymous said...

anthony, i dont agree with your blog. the marsh was one of the places the fell dow fast and the sea side cliff was the most stabe not the marsh

~Daniel O'Hearn~

Madison Schnell said...

Sydney I agree with you, the sand wasnt a part of the Seaside cliff, and the marsh would kill a lot of plants and animals so it wouldnt be a good idea to biuld there.

kiphart,shane said...

i agree with kaleb

Sheridan,Megan said...

I would say to build on the seaside cliff. I say that because it has sticky soil. Also, it won't effect animals because the cliff does not have wildlife.

Royer Rachel said...

I would build on the Seaside Cliff, because the soil there is very sticky which makes it more restiant to erosion than any other soil.Also the cliff doesnt have much wildlife unlike the hill and the marsh so it wouldnt be destroying as many habitat as the hill or marsh.I wouldnt build on the marsh because if there was a heavy rainfall it could flood also you would be destroying many habitats and I wouldnt build on the hill beause again you will be destroying many habitats.That why I would build on the cliff.

Anonymous said...

i agree with tony that but i dont think it is more stable but it did erode faster but yopu got parts of it wrong

Sean Laake said...

So the big question is basically Ney or Yay for the building area.

Marsh:Ney. As from what we can see from the Hurricane on the Bayou blog, Marshes are VERY important to keep safe and if we do build it brings up a number of problems. One it will flood.Two the build up of sediments will slow drastically. Three building will bring up the problem of pumping the water.
Green Hill:Ney.Green hill may see like the perfect place to but if you think so WRONG! Building will bring a number of problems. One, we need to build terraces. Two, run off on normal loose dirt is very low so it will erode quickly. Three, Mudslides can happen if we do build because we are speeding up erosion.
Seaside Cliff:Yay! The Seaside Cliff is probably the most safe. Erosion to the Cliff is very low with a high run off. We can easily fix the erosion problem with breakwaters, Jetties, and Seawalls.
I belive that Seaside Cliff is the place to build.

Anonymous said...

tommy i took your cookies hahaa

Evan Triplett said...

I disagree with tony because the marsh has the most wild life and plants and every thing would flood alot

anonymous said...

I think we shou;ld build on a cliff. the cliffs soil sticks togetyher which makes it better resistance to erosion. On a cliff there is not a lot of wildlife so it wouldnt harm anything. I would not pick the march because it would have the most water which makes it easier to flood and the hill has a a lot of wildlaife and plants to affect.
Ethan Mercurio

Wall, Alexandra said...

I thnk Boomtown shoudl choose the Seaside Cliff. I would choose it because is has sticky soil that does not erode as easily. Also the Cliff does not have wildlife so if would not be taking homes of animals away if yo built on it. Also in our expiriemnt with the different soils, the Cliff's soil was the only one to stay completely together, all other soils imediatly collapsed. These are just some of the reasons that Boomtown shoudl choose the Seaside Cliff.

anonymous said...

I agree with madison and sydney because the cliff does have sticky soil
Ethan Mercurio

Park Deborah said...

I think Boomtown should build their new hotels,houses, and shopping centers on seaside cliff. From the experiment we did in class the most stable soil type was seaside cliff. The seaside cliff also didn't erode as fast as the marsh or the green hill.

Sheridan,Megan said...

The marsh is all wetland and has plants and animals. I don't think it's very stable. Plus, when we did the activity with the soil the marsh eroded fast.

anonymous said...

I would choose the green hill because it wouldnt kill a lot of wild life and it will be more stable than the seaside cliff.

anonymous said...

by ted young


Ok sorry even i swithced and i agree with you it would kill lots of animals.

Sheridan,Megan said...

I agree with you. I think the seaside cliff is best and is good because the soil does not erode quickly as the marsh and hillside do.

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Kilgore, Sydney said...

I agree with everything you say Sean. It would be good to keep the marsh cause if thered be another hurricane the marsh helps slow it a little.

Royer Rachel said...

Shane the marsh was the LEAST stable!
Also wouldnt you think it would be a bad idea beacuse if you built on the marsh you would be destroying animals homes and the wetlands??
And if there were many heavy rainfalls in a row then there could be damging flooding.

Madison Schnell said...

I agree with Alexndra and Megan, in the experiment the Seaside cliff soil stayed together while it rained but all of the other soils fell right away when it rained.

Anonymous said...

i would not agree with rachel why wolud you bulid on the cliff you can see how much eroision as on the cliff

George McFarren said...

I would build on the cliff becasue you would have a great veiw and it is the most resistant to erosion because it has the stickiest soil. Also in the other places like the green hill and the marsh there are a lot of animals and plants but there at the cliff there are a lot less. The cliff would be the best place to build.

Sean Laake said...

Ted I have tyo Disagree. The Hill is a TERRIBLE PLACE TO BUILD! Did you read my post yet? I just brought up every single dis advantage to Green Hill that to Seaside Cliff plus its a majority vote, Seaside Cliff is probably the best place to build.

keisersydney said...

I think that it would be best to build on the seaside cliff, because that soil held up and when you do build on seaside cliff you wont be destroying and plants or animals. I think building on the marsh or green hill would be good because the soil didnt hold up very well and you would kill a bunch of wildlife.

Madison Schnell said...

I agree with Sydney and Sean, they should keep all of the land features, especially the marsh to help with hurricanes and to keep the environment safe

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

i think the seaside cliff would be the best choice because the soil hardly breaksdown over time and its the most resantant to erosion and depositition.
Adam Lyons

Sean Laake said...

But Andrew, erosion at the Marsh is even FASTER if we build there. Because we will slow down Deposition drastically, all it can do is to erode with water and FLOODING! The water isnt gone Vaive, it will never be gone forever. You may pump water out of the city BUT its the water on the outside by the OCEAN. That will try and reclaim the scarred land we will call home.

George McFarren said...

I agree with Adam because it is the most stabe and didn't have a lot of erosion and deposition.

batmanstake said...

i think you should build on the seaside cliff because it has better soil thats sticky enough to build on. it also wont erode as much as the marsh and greenhill. when it rains on the marsh and greenhill, the soil will just wash away and the house or hotels will fall down.

anonymous said...

i agree with george because it wouldnt have a lot erosion
Adam Lyons

Wall, Alexandra said...

Sydney, I like your point about the animals and that if Boomtown builds on the Seaside Cliff that it won't afffect them...

Sean Laake said...

Shane I also very much disagree. If you read my post to Vaive, you will see what will defiantly go wrong.

kaleb.quinlan said...

i think that the cliff is were they should build on the cliff because they can't kill any animals.

batmanstake said...

i agree with adam lyons and also think that that soil will not breakdown as easily.

kaleb.quinlan said...

i agree with evan because i think that the cliff is stable too.

anonymous said...

I disagree with evan your closer to the water and bad storm or a suami could come.
by ted young

Sean Laake said...

Remember people, If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. Murphy's Law. Proven by New Orleans and possibly soon Boomtown if we build on Green Hill or the Marsh.

Anonymous said...

but sean well just be quiet i dont care marsh is better

Jaspers.Abby said...

The cliff may be the best place because to bulid because of its sticky soil but if you think about it, eventually it will erode and the houses and everything else off the cliff will colapse. The marsh would not be a good place to bulid because its affecting so much wildlife and because whenever the marsh drys out huricanes will hit harder. The hill also affects too much wildlife and eventually it will erode and your house will colapse. Overall i honestly think that we should bulid on none of them because there are so many things wrong with each of them but if i had to pick one i would probably pick SEASIDE CLIFF. i would pick that because eventually it will colapse but it wont be for a very long time and whenever there are signs that its gonna fall we can get off the cliff. If it wouldnt erode then it would be a perfect spot to bulid because of its rich soil and its spot in the area :)

Cecil,Tommy said...

I would choose the cliff. If we built in the marsh it would kill lots of wildlife. All so the land in the marsh's land is not as tough as land on the cliff.

Sean Laake said...

And what is your proof Vaive? You have given NO EVIDENCE of your conclusion. Until I see very convincing evidence and I agree with at least ALL of it, I will belive you. But right now, MARSH IS THE WORST PLACE TO BUILD!

keisersydney said...

I agree with sean, because he hit the nail right on the head with the marsh thing, you can see how awful it would be to build on a marsh just by looking at hurricane on the bayou.

kiphart,shane said...

and also it would be were i would like to live and is pertected by floods and dangers weather

Hailey Hoover said...

i would build on a hill because when we did the experiment in class that soil didn't collapse whiole the other two soils did. also when we looked at the map of boomtown 100 years ago and today the hillside eroded the least. the otehr option that would be good to consider is the cliff. the problem with the cliff is that when the cliff erides then there would be no surface to be on.

Jaspers.Abby said...

Sean Laake:
I aggree with you. The hill seems like a perfect place to bulid but really it has multipul affects of building. If a mudslide were to occur that would be absolutley horrible! Houses would be ruined and wildlife would be massiveley affected.

KAM said...

I think Boomtown should build on the Seaside Cliff, because it has sticky soil and it more resitant to erosion and rain while the other soils fell apart right away.It also doesnt have a lot of animals so we wouldnt be taking away any homes.

Unknown said...

as we end this unit i think they should build on the hill because they will save the wetlands and the cliff will erode faster because of the ocean. the cliff soil is sticky but the ocean erodes it fast the wetlands help stop storms so i want to keep them and the hill would be the best.

anonymous said...

I think that Boomtown should build on the cliff because the soil does not erode easily, and green hill and delta marsh erode easily. The only downside to the cliff is that it will almost always be eroding due to the ocean. Even with this knowledge, I think that they should build on the cliff. There are more pros than cons.
Posted by: Sam Tendam

Breadon,Zac said...

I think they should build it on green hill because water can not get up the hill and it can not flood it

KAM said...

I agree withh Rachel on how we shouldnt build on the hill or in the marsh because then we would be destroying many habitats.

I also agree with Sean and Abby:I aggree that the hillcould posably seem like a perfect place to bulid but really it has many affects of building. If a mudslide were to occur, houses would be ruined and wildlife would be greatly affected.

McGinnis,Ben said...

as we end this unit i think they should build on the hill because they will save the wetlands and the cliff will erode faster because of the ocean. the cliff soil is sticky but the ocean erodes it fast the wetlands help stop storms so i want to keep them and the hill would be the best.

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I thought that we should buil on the hillside. Then when I saw that the soil colapsed in our experiment I said the cliff is a better place to build. The cliff is made off a sticky soil that is sturdy(thats what the cliff is made off). The best place to put new buildings would be the seaside cliff.

Brady Farmer said...

we should build on the hill because if there was a flood the water would go down the hills and if we build on the hill it would not be affecting a lot of plants and animals.the only thing to worry about is a tornado or something and hurricanes won't get us because we would be far from the ocean and the ocean is like fuel for the hurricane and the cliff is near the ocean so the hill would be the best.

McGinnis,Ben said...

alex i dont agree with you i thnk they should build on the hill because the cliff will erdoe fast because of the ocean.

anonymous said...

they should build on the cliff because the beach would bring in a lot of people. also the wild life wouldn't be hurt. they could make a lot of money by the beach because of swim suits and surf boards.

kelly rogers

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I agree with Tommy if we build in the marsh we would kill wildlife. The seaside cliff is the best place to build.

Ryan, Marissa said...

I would choose to build on the seaside cliff. The seaside cliff has sticky soil to lessen erosion. The cliff is also not a home to animals so it wouldnt be harming any animal hibitats if buildings were built there.

anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that Boomtown should keep the marsh, but not that they should build on the hill. I can kind of agree with the hill build because even though it erodes, it won't cause landslides or anything like that. I still believe they should build on the cliff when it comes to soil with the least erosion.

anonymous said...

i think i would build on the cliff because it had the best soil and changed less in the last 100 years than other places. the marsh might flood because they would have to pump out all the water and the ground would sink and the ducks and animals that call the marsh their home would die from habitat loss.i wouldn't build on the green hills because the soil eroded so much more than any other soil.

anonymous said...

I agree with the majority of you. The Seaside Cliff would probably be the best to build Boomtown on because it's stable and the Marsh and The Hill aren't as stable. The cliff has very good soil unlike the Marsh and the Hill, there soil isn't as resistant to erosion.

-Corissa Sturm,(:

anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that Boomtown should keep the marsh, but not that they should build on the hill. I can kind of agree with the hill build because even though it erodes, it won't cause landslides or anything like that. I still believe they should build on the cliff when it comes to soil with the least erosion.
Posted by: Sam Tendam

Brady Farmer said...

I disagree with Sydney Kilgore.if we build on the cliff it would have a risk of a hurricane because it is close to the ocean and the ocean is like fuel for the huricane where as the hill would be far from the ocean.

anonymous said...

candice sheehan

i think i would build on the cliff because it had the best soil and changed less in the last 100 years than other places. the marsh might flood because they would have to pump out all the water and the ground would sink and the ducks and animals that call the marsh their home would die from habitat loss.i wouldn't build on the green hills because the soil eroded so much more than any other soil.

anonymous said...

I would build on the sea side cliff beause the soil is stickier than the marsh and and green hill which means more resistant to erosion. The other places eroded right away. The cliff doesn`t have alot of wild life so that wouldn`t be afected as much as the marsh and green hill becasue they have a hole lot more of animals.
David Meiners

anonymous said...

i agree with abby you should build on the cliff because of its rich soil. an wouldn't harm wilflife.

kelly rogers

anonymous said...

If I had to choose between Seaside cliff, greenhill, and the marsh I would deffinately go with Seaside cliff. The reason I would say this is because it seeems to me that greenhill has gotten a large amount of erosiion, so has the marsh. When we did the last lab it realy showed how the different soils were effected by rain. The greenhill and the marh both eroded alot and it seemed that they were really effected by it. They each collapsed. On the otherhand, the Sea Side cliff seemed to stand up really well because it was tight and compact since it was very sticcky. The seaside cliff would be the bnest place to build and each lab has truly showed why.

- Michael Van Schoik

anonymous said...

George I agree with you that sea side cliff is the way to go because it erodes least. Also it has the great view. But the bad thing is that the ocean erodes the bottom of it and can pull the top of it down when the bottom falls.
David Meiers

anonymous said...

Candi,that is a very good point that Seaside cliff has changed the least overtime in the last 100 years which means erosion has not been a big factor to the cliff which means it most likely will stand well when they build on it, since it barely changed in 100 years.

- Michael Van Schoik

Ryan, Marissa said...

Drew, the marsh wouldn't be a safe or stable place to build on. The marsh has many wildlife habitats that would be destroyed if they built there. It would also be a bad idea because, the marsh floods easy. Water from rivers or other bodies of water are deposited in the marsh so the buildings would have many flood issues.

anonymous said...

one reason you might not want to build on the cliff is that the force of the waves against the cliff might erode the sticky soil faster than a light rain would erode the softer soil on the green hill

candi sheehan

anonymous said...

Megan that is a great point that there isn't really any wildlife on the cliff so if they build there it wouldn't effect any animals if they don't have habbitats there.

- Michael Van Schoik

anonymous said...

we should build on the green hills.

anonymous said...

Sydney you are right, not only does erosion effect the greenhill and the marsh but there is alot of wildlife there that would knock out the habbitats of many animals.

- Michael Van Schoik

anonymous said...

I Would Say That you should bulid on the cliff. The cliff has sticky soil. It Wouldd also be the least to affect wildlife i think. Plus Least harmful to the earth and boomtown. I wouldnt pick the hill or marsh because both of them dont have that good of soil and it would harm wildlife more i think.

~Kailey Carter~

anonymous said...

Sydney you are right, not only does erosion effect the greenhill and the marsh but there is alot of wildlife there that would knock out the habbitats of many animals.

- Michael Van Schoik

anonymous said...

I Agree With Madison It Would Be The Best Enviormaent to build it.

~Kailey Carter~

Oakes, Ally said...

I would choose to build on Seaside Cliff because there seems to be less erosion and less change than anywhere else that we studied.

Oakes, Ally said...

I agree with Sydney that I would not build on Green Hill orthe marsh because I wouldnt want to desturb wildlife and there wasnt much wildlife on the cliff

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

I think that Boomtown should build their buildings on Green Hill because it seems more stable because of the plant roots holding down the soil, which will slow down erosion and maybe even weathering.

-Emily Heckman

freel,amanda said...

I would pick the seaside cliff, because it has sticky soil that is resistant to Erosion. Erosion to me is that it is bad; Erosion is bad because it changes the look of the land.

Hutson,Caleb said...

i think you should build it on the seaside cliff because of the soil is sticky and doesnt erode very easily. another reason to bulid on the cliff is because you can see the see from the hotel.

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...


Why would you choose Seaside Cliff? I just don't see why you would choose that type of landform.

Fairbanks,Joey said...

I think that Boomtown should build at the green hill because on a topographical map a few years ago and today, it shows that it has the least amount of erosion.

freel,amanda said...

I agree with Sydney Kilgore 5:18am:
I do think we should build on the seaside cliff because its resistant to Erosion and because its got sticky soil.

anonymous said...

i think we should build on a the bottom of a cliff because it has very sticky soil that adapts to rain well. so it has very good building ground.

-Dylan Humbert

anonymous said...

I think they should build the hotels and the houses at the Green Hill. I think this because the Green Hill has the least amount of erosion. And I think that it holds the least amount of of habitats for animals. But the bad thing is, is that when it rains all the water will come doen the hill and erode all the land away and it could cause floods. The marsh holds the most habitats. So we wouldn't want to build there. And the sea side cliff erodes the most so that wouldn't be a good place to build.

gorman,kyle said...

I think that they shuld bould on the seaside cliff. It has very sticky soil. I wouldnt chose the marsh or the hillside because it would be effecting the wildlife and animals and it also doesnt have good soil.

anonymous said...

I think they should build the hotels and the houses at the Green Hill. I think this because the Green Hill has the least amount of erosion. And I think that it holds the least amount of of habitats for animals. But the bad thing is, is that when it rains all the water will come doen the hill and erode all the land away and it could cause floods. The marsh holds the most habitats. So we wouldn't want to build there. And the sea side cliff erodes the most so that wouldn't be a good place to build.

~Charle Freudemann~

anonymous said...

I would choose to build at the seaside cliff. The reason is that on the spesomind we tested the seaside cliff held the strongest aginst the water. So my thoughts are if you build on the seaside cliff you will have a better chance of no flooding and no other damage to the area you are living on.
Alex Richmond

Xavier Frisch said...

I think that the seaside cliff is the best place to build. My reasoning is, that although it is vulnerable to erosion from the ocean, we can fix that problem by using jetties, seawalls, and breakwaters. It also has some plants on the cliff-side to help hold the soil in place. The land on top of the cliff is mainly flat, so you don't need to spend much time,or money to level the land like you would on Green Hill. The cliff is pretty dry so you don't need to pump out any water, like you would in the Marsh. Ultimately, the most logical place to build is Seaside cliff.

anonymous said...

I disagree with alex because the marsh holds alot of habitats more than seaside cliff

~Charlie Freudemann~

Anonymous said...

I say they should build on the seaside cliff. It is more resistant to erosion and stuff. I also think that when the weather's nice, it would have nice scenery. When it rains, the sand will just kind of absorb the water. And it wouldn't really matter about the sand anyway because the shops and houses and malls will be elevated above the beach. Also, the seaside cliff didn't move much over the 100 years. The cliff would stand up to erosion better.

gorman,kyle said...

To alex r. I agree with you with all of what you said

Sara said...

Sea side cliff- even though it might erode the soil would be better. Also instead of taking homes away from wildlife there arent as many animals. With the hills it would also be more work to flatten everything and wildlife would live there. At a marsh again alot of wild animals. THe soil is strongest in the seaside cliff but the water below the cliff would hit the cliff and cause it to erode, but the soil is stronger.

@Megan S.
The cliff soil is stick that is good because if it wasn't then the erosion would be extreme with the water hitting it.

anonymous said...

I agree Sydney, they should build on the seaside cliff because there is no wild life, and no nonresistant soil so that would be the best spot. And you also get a good view of the ocean when you walk outside.
Alex Richmond

anonymous said...

I agree Sydney, they should build on the seaside cliff because there is no wild life, and no nonresistant soil so that would be the best spot. And you also get a good view of the ocean when you walk outside.
Alex Richmond

Bass,Zoey said...

i think that they should build on seaside cliff because the soil is very sticky, so it is pretty resistant to erosion.also, it doesnt have alot of wild life unlike the hill and the marsh,so not alot of animals will be affected by the building.

Anonymous said...

@Anthony: I agree. I think if we build on the cliff, we won't kill as many animals.

Xavier Frisch said...

@ sean laake

Well, I would have to agree with you because the marsh is most vulnerable to floods and other natural disasters.Not to mention all the money it would take JUST to get the land ready for construction. The Marsh is DEFINITELY NOT the place to build.

Buelterman,Abbey said...

I think that they should build on the hillside because the becah is too pretty to be taken away and the marsh has animals and plants so if they built there the animals and plants will all die,well the animals will probably run or fly away but the plants can't run or fly to get away.

anonymous said...

I think the best place to build in boomtown is green hill. If you build on the marsh the foundation will most likely sink. If you build on the ocean cliff the erosin from the waves will make land erode under a house. green hill is a sturdy foundation and doesn't have water around it to erode away the hill. These are some reasons why I think green hill iis the best place to build.

Ryan Bussard

Kylie Hayes said...

I think we should build on a cliff because the soil is sticky and wont erode. The cliff isnt home to much wildlife so it wont ruin any homes or anything. Marshs and hills would be ruining animals homes and riping up plants that need to grow. Plus the soil in the hills and marshs arent very stable therefore they could erode alot easier which would mean that its not the best place to build.

anonymous said...

Sydney I totally disagree with you I belive that the cliff is the worst place to build and the most dangerous due to what erosion can do to the cliffs. Erosion could make the land come right out from under the house.

Ryan Bussard

Duebber, Jenna said...

I don't even there is competition in this question. The hillside would be the best place to build. Even though the cliff has the best soil, the stickiest and the most resistant to erosion, the soil can't stop erosion from happening. The cliff obviously has the most erosion taking place. The topography maps show this. If you compare the erosion, the cliff has the most, then the marsh, then the hill. The marsh has the worst soil, erosion wise. It immediately washed away in the experiment. Also, it has the most wildlife, so it wouldn't be a great place to build. The hill may not have the greatest soil, but it is the least affected by erosion. There may be some wildlife, but I would rather have a few trees cut down and be guarenteed a safer place to live then be told that I didn't affect much wildlife but my house could fall off the cliff at any moment.

Gillian said...

I would pick a seaside cliff beacause it has beter foundaytion. The soil is stikier.

Duebber, Jenna said...

@ Sydney Kilgore:

I disagree to build on the Seaside Cliff. You have to compare all three and not just compare wildlife, you have to compare all of the factors. The marsh is obviously the worst, I agree with that, but the cliff erodes quickly. With waves continuously washing up on the cliff and lots of wind, there is some major erosion taking place. I also agree when you say the cliff has the best soil but the soil is also just one factor. You have to put the erosion into play.

Gillian said...

I agree with Emma it will take a while for things to break down.

anonymous said...

drew i dont agree with you marsh is a horrible place to build i dont understand why you think it would be a good place to build and live?!?! i dont know if your serious or if your just being wierd?!?!?!

-Dylan Humbert

Ryan Weber said...

I think Boomtown should build thier hotels and houses on a hill. I say this because, a seaside cliff erodes away easier and a marsh is a wetland so i dont think any shopper's want to get wet when their shopping or even living there.

Ryan Weber said...

I dont agree with sydney kilgore because, a seaside cliff erodes more than a hill.

cade harvey said...

I think I would choose the sea cliff for 2 main reasons. 1.The resestance against erosion was good although you would have to take some procatons with it.2.Its the best for the enviernment there is barly any animal inhabbatence on the cliff and it would hold out for a while. It would take some work but in the end it would be safest.

anonymous said...

I think that the should build at sea side cliff. I because In our last lab it talked about som great ways to slow down erosiom. another reason is that if you build far anough from the cliff it will be a wile for it to erode. And Lastly I think that you should build at sea side cliff because It has the more sterdy soil as we figured out in Activity 31. Those are some reasons why sea side cliff.
Nick Aichele

Kamilah Williams said...

i think boomtown should be built on a seaside cliff,because it has soil that is sticky and it is more resistant to erosions.if you built on a marsh than you are taking away the wild life. boomtown might think that all the water is gone to build the houses but when you build the house water wont be gone it is still there making the ouse sink and all. if you build on the green hill you are also taking away the animals haditat for the birds and deer that live in the greeen hill

cade harvey said...

I agree totally with you and you made a good point about the money because it would probably be the cheapest and safest place to build on is seaside cliff.

Buis,Dylan said...

i agree with sydney becaus ethe cliff has sticky soil.

anonymous said...

I agree with sydney. I think this because in activity 31 the wet soil was the lest eroded soil.
Nick Aichele

Buis,Dylan said...

I think Boomtown should build on the Seaside Cliff, because it has sticky soil and it more resitant to erosion.It doesn't have very much wildlife so it will not effect the earth.

Giblin, Keegan said...

I would build at the green hill cause it would affect the enviorment less and be closer to the city itself.

Bettner,Aaron said...

I think they should build on the seaside cliff because the soil there is more sticky and water resistant. There probably isnt to many animals there so you wouldnt have to take away alot of wildlife. There is also more ways you could stop erosion here.

Bettner,Aaron said...

Keegan the Green Hills soil is not water resistant and it could slide down the hill

Kamilah Williams said...

i disagree with you kelly rogers all the money goes straight to building all the houses but i do agree with you that boomtown should be built on the seaside cliff. now i see why they should built on the seaside and not any other place because when i was in florida there were birds all over

dace,connor said...

I think boomtown should build it's hotels at Green Hill. It has the best soil for building upon.

dace,connor said...

@ Evan Triplett
I disagree. It should be the hill it provides great building ground.

Dorrington, Madison said...

I think that they should build on the seaside cliff. I think this because in our model with earth materials, material c which was the seaside cliff didn't erode like at all and the others did.The "soil" was very sticky and had the most run-off.

@ Sydney K. I agree that we shouldn't build on the hill or marsh because personally I don't all the bugs and spiders in wildlife.

Jennifer20107 said...

I think it should be on a cliff because it has soil that is sticky, and it isn't a home to animals like a hill and marsh.

anonymous said...

I think we should build it on a marsh because it would be safer than a cliff because the houses could end up falling of.

kriistan dalton

anonymous said...

drew vaive

i agree with you drew because it would be safer to build boomtown on the marsh. boomtown could fall off the cliff.

kristan dalton

Freeman Andrew said...

I would have to choose the cliff. I say the cliff because the soil was the most resistant to erosion. Because the other two soils where not that resistant to ersion after some time the buildings would start to erode with the land. Since not that many animals or plants can survive on a cliff, there wouuldn't be that big of an impact on the enviorment.

Freeman Andrew said...

@ Alex Riechling
I agree with you about how you don't need to cut down the forest for the sea side cliff.

Jenn Davis said...

I think that we should build on the seaside cliff. The soil is nice and sticky so it will be very hard to erode. Also there are not as many animal homes there so it will be better because you wont have to take their homes and they would have nowhere to live.
On the marsh, it would distroy animals' homes and the soil is not very sticky and will wear away easily. Also it would be hard to get it dry and stable for houses because of the mushy soil.
On the hillside, the soil is also loose and it will wear away with a little rain. And since it is hilly, it will take alot of time and work to flatten it for houses.

I think that the seaside cliff is the best place for Boomtown to build.

Jenn Davis said...

@ Sara Dirr
The soil is stronger at the cliff but at the base, the river hits it more and could ware this away faster. Then the top might collapse and ruin houses. I guess it really depends on how far from the cliff the build from.

anonymous said...

I think the best place for Boomtown to build all of their hotels, houses and shopping would be the green hill. I chose this one because with the marsh, there are animals that live there and could soon become endangered if people keep building on their homes. With the seaside cliff, the ocean could cause erosion and deposition by picking up the sand off of the beach and moving it some where else.
-Kaleigh McCarthy

Jennifer20107 said...

@ Sydney thats was I said it has sticky soil and it doesnt have much animals, so I agree with you

anonymous said...

they should build on the cliff because there isnt as much houses.
taylor roberts

anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
oleary stephanie said...

the seaside cliff beacause the people would have a good view of the ocean

anonymous said...

i say we should bulid on cliff. The cliff shouldn't have erosion cause it is very very sticky. not much animals or wildlife to bulid there homes on so we can bulid hotels and houses and stores and daycares and stuff like that.

~Kristin Murphy<3

lemmink,kyle said...

i think they should build on sea side cliff becase it would take much more time to erode plus it's by a sea making the land value go up (bigger profits). it would be a lot of fun for your family and frinds to come over and just hang out by the sea. the soil has rocks in it making it much harder to erode.

lemmink,kyle said...

I agree with sean building at the seaside cliff is a good idea

anonymous said...

I say that you should build on the cliff.Which is more resistant to erosion. It doesn'y hsave very much wildlife so it will not effect the earth that much. i wouldn't pick hill or marsh because the wildlife, plants and erosion is effected.

chase pearson

anonymous said...

i think every one here agrees to seaside cliff and i do as well. so i say again seaside cliff is good spot for boomtown

chase pearson

Anonymous said...

i think boomtown should build on the hillside.
sure yeah it will erode but its alot better than the marsh or the cliff.
the marsh could be to hard to build on and would ruin all the animals homes would be destroyed.
the cliff could be to dangerous. what if they build and the cliff collapses with alot of people and the inventory with it?
the green hill IS the best choice for them to build on

anonymous said...

Kristan Dalton:
I agree with you about the fear of the houses and hotels that could possibly fall off on the cliff, but what about the green hill? Why did you pick the marsh over the green hill?
-Kaleigh McCarthy

austin tilford said...

I agree with sydney k. I would build on the cliff to.

austin tilford said...

The cliff is very stable, you would be hurting alot of animals. But the only thing wrong is that the waves would be eroding the cliff.

Mrs. Martz said...

Rachel has a very good point about destroying wetlands. They are the most endangered habitat in the United States. They are not a good place to build because they must be filled in to build there

Mrs. Martz said...

Sydney Keiser. That is exactly why we watched Hurricane on the Bayou!

anonymous said...

mrs.Martz i belive Boomtown should build on the green hill because the soil is good to build there the only bad thing would be hillslides but you can do things to prevent and limit that buy puting pipes that run down the hill to a stream instead of taking a shower and having your water run down the hill and i disagree with all the people who say we should build on the seaside cliff you can just say it and it doensnt sound good seaside that has erosion writen all over it. what if a high tide comes in and takes your house right into the ocean i bet youll be wondering why you built there. and im going to say something to evan there is wilflife eveywhere theres wildlife in the sea whitch your building right next to.and as for the marsh you shouldnt build there because you have the chance of fluding and thats the place you would take out the most wildlife i mean your building ontop of a swamp. and i have to disagree with drew he does not have any evidence to prove that you should build on the marsh he just agrees with tony. he doesnt state how much wildlife could be killed or how your house could sink well mrs.martz thats where i think boomtown should build and i want other people to leave comments to prove me wrong.

anonymous said...

nathan stenger

anonymous said...

And i want to say something to chace your post makes no sense you dont just say you agree with eveyone else you need to explane why you picked seaside cliff not just say o everyone else is saying seaside cliff i will to i would like you to responed to this post and explane why you you picked it.NATHAN STENGER

anonymous said...

i would like to responed to sean at the end of the post he said that yoou can prevent eroion with walls or jetties sorry to tell ya but those erode to and what happens if one breakes and they dont build a new wall in time buy to the houses. also if they did do that think of how much money it will cost the city of boomtown to rebuild a new wall or jettie knowone on this bloging website has convinced me to build on the seaside cliff and id also like to say something to madison shnell the seaside cliff has the most animals its on the side of the sea and think eveyone noes that people litter think of all the wildlife that is already dieing because of polution and harmful chemicals why kill even more i think we should start thinking more of the wildlife that would be killed if we started building in certain places so what do you think now that you saw and got to read my blog.NATHAN STENGER

keene,carlie said...

I THINK YOU SHOULD BUILD ON THE CLIFF BECAUSE OF ITS STICKY SOIL witch will hold stuff better and help with resistance of erosion. it wont have very much wild life so it wont afect the land/envirment that much. but if you pick the marsh or the hill it wont have very stable soil and it has alot of wildlife.

A, Owen said...

I think that Boomtown should build the hotels by the sea side cliff because the peaple there would get a veiw of the sunset over the ocean, and if they wanted to, they could go to the beach without having to walk far. The houses and shops can be spread out in between the hotels, so everyone is happy. Again, I think that we should build on the sea side cliff because it doesn't erode as fast as the others and visitors and environmental people are happy. The green hill and the marsh are not good places to build because of the rivers running through, the damage it would cause to the land, and the unstable ground.

A, Owen said...

I agree with Sydney the soil is hard and copact which makes the sea side cliff perfact for building hotels and houses.

Anonymous said...

@ Jenna: But if we built it on the hill, wouldn't we be killing a lot of plants and animals?

Dickerson,Daniel said...

I would choose the seaside cliff. This is because it would not ruin many habitats, it would not erode fastly, and it is not a flood risk. This is why I chose Seaside clif.

Dickerson,Daniel said...

Kaleigh, I disagree with you. I think it should be built on seaside cliff.

Dickerson,Daniel said...

Also, The houses on seaside cliff would bring more revenue than anywhere else.

anonymous said...

i would say you should build on the cliff. the cliff has sticky soil which is more resistant to erosion. it doesnt have very much wildlife so it will not affect the earth as much.
jordan harbour

anonymous said...

i would say you should build on the cliff. the cliff has sticky soil which is more resistant to erosion. it doesnt have very much wildlife so it will not affect the earth as much.
jordan harbour

anonymous said...

i would say you should build on the cliff. the cliff has sticky soil which is more resistant to erosion. it doesnt have very much wildlife so it will not affect the earth as much.
jordan harbour

anonymous said...

i agree with you madison the marsh would kill alot of animal and plants.
jordan harbour

anonymous said...

I think Boomtown should build on the seaside cliff because there is less erosion happening at that location, and then you wouldn't have to destroy the forest around you or have to destroy habitats around you.
Andrew Hudson

anonymous said...

I agree with Evan Triplett that i would build on the seaside cliff because it's stable
Andrew Hudson

anonymous said...

I think Boomtown should build on the seaside cliff because there is less erosion happening at that location, and then you wouldn't have to destroy the forest around you or have to destroy habitats around you.
Andrew Hudson

anonymous said...

I think they should build on the cliffs because the soil is sticky and is better on erosion.I chose that because there is no wildlife areas you would be destroying and it doesnt have much plants you would be destroying either theres just some grass and maybe some trees. there is also much less erosion than the other ones of the seeside cliff.

hunter steimle

anonymous said...

I agree with jordan and madison it would be a bad idea to build on marsh you would be killing a ton of wildlife areas and plants you guys forgot that

hunter steimle

anonymous said...

i think we should build on the marsh because we wount be damaging that many trees and things since that is were animals live plus it wount cause that much damage when storms come.


johnsholly said...

you shouldf build on a seaside cliff.because the soil is sticky and is more resistant to erosion
and it dosnt have very much and i think it is very stable

johnsholly said...

i agree with tommy because i think also that if we built on a marsh that it would kill wildlife

Fairbanks,Joey said...

I agree with evan because the green hill is the most staible of them all.

Mariah Smith said...

I think Boomtown should build on the seaside cliff. The seaside cliff has sticky soil that doesn't erode nearly as fast as the soil in the green hill or the delta marsh. The seaside cliff doesn't have many plants and animals as the hill and the marsh. The marsh could flood easily because of heavy rainfall. If Boomtown built on the marsh, animals would be forced to evacuate. On the green hill, animals would also have to move. Plants and trees would have to be cut down.

anonymous said...

I would choose the seaside cliff because the soil was strong enough tho hold the htels, houses,stores,etc... We just need to create a barriar to help stop the water from eroding the cliff

Jarod Francis

Day,Tyler said...

Hill side. The green hill because on the marsh there is a huge chance of flood, on the seaside cliff there is a big chance of a landslide.

klingelhoffer,sawyer said...

i would build the hotels on the seaside cliff because there is less animals and vegatation. and there is a great view fot the people in the hotel and the same with the shopping center and houses the only bad thing is that it would probably flood.

Day,Tyler said...

I agree with Ted I think they shoul build it on the hill since it is more stable than the cliff.

anonymous said...

i think we should burild houses on a hill because reason 1 there is hardly any wild life on the hill and you can just flaten the hill and buil a nice little naibohood reason 2 marsh lands hold the most wild life out of the three and it would be bad to cut down all those trees and wild life and grass reason 3 cliffs are bad to build on because you could risk it falling in the ocean so its bad

valerierenee7 said...

I would say to build on the cliff. The cliff's soil is more sticky so the cliff will not erode faster . If you build on the marsh you can have a landslide or the hill you can also have a landslide because the houses would be built on the hill.Also you would be endangering the animal life.

valerierenee7 said...

@ Sawyer

I agree that thay should build on the seaside cliff because they won't endanger the animal life

ciARRa said...

i say that you should build on the cliff because their is not really any wild life and if you build on the hill or marsh you would be killing alot of animals and plants

ciARRa said...

i agree with valerie because you would be killing a ton of wildlife

Abby Bacher said...

I would choose the green hill because the erosion would not be as bad if we were to build on the seaside cliff or a marsh. A seaside cliff would definately erode away faster, and has many hazards of building up there.

Granger,Hannah said...

they shoule build it on a marsh because,that is flat land and its not wet like a wet land its not a cliff like a sea side cliff

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