Monday, December 20, 2010

Shield Volcanoes

What did you think about the volcano lab we did on Wednesday?  Which lava flow went the fastest?  Which went the slowest?  What would you have done differently with this activity?


Sean Laake said...

I thought that the experiment was very much successful. Number 3 went fastest because it was a thinner serum, but number two was the slowest because it was the thickest mixture. What I would have done differently, is to show and compare "Gassy" volcanoes with "Not-So-Gassy" volcanoes. Other than that, the experiment worked out fine.


the lab that we did on wndesday was exciting. The 2 was the fastest for us and then 3 was the slowest. I would have used diffrent materials

Anthony Papathanas & Drew Vavie taco

anonymous said...

The expperiment was very succesful. Number 3 went the fastest because it was a thinner mixture number 2 went slowest because it was a thicker mixture. What i would have done differently is compare.
-Lexy and Ciarra,(:

heyitsgeorge4 said...
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George McFarren said...

The volcano was really cool. It went really well. Probably the second one went the slowest becasue it was the thickest and the third one was the fastest. I probably would have compared the colors and how long it took to go down the mountain. It went really well though.

-George McFarren and Adam Lyons

Sean Laake said...

Anthony, Taco, Lexy, and Ciarra-
I agree with both of you, we should have compared. But don't forget that there is a LUNAR ECLIPSE TONIGHT! This event happens every two year. But next year, there will be two Lunar Eclipses during the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. The last Eclipse happened in 2008

batmanstake said...

Brendan McWilliams
Yahanz Valezqweeze
we thought it was kool how itt erupted fast and slow. the 2nd one was the fastest.the slowest onne waz 1st. we would have added extra baking soda and viniger.

Sean Laake said...

What we also should have compared, is the volcano forms like lava flow off a Shield Volcano or even a Lava Con or other Volcano Formations.

Evan Triplett said...

ted young,Evan Triplett

It was fun and really interesting.The 2nd wasthe slowest.The 3rd one was the Thing we would chage is the amout of the lava that came out of it.

anonymous said...

The experiment was succesful.number 3 went faster.

kaleb.quinlan said...

i think it was very fun and messy also very succsesfull. The fastest lava flow was the last one. the slowest was the second one. i would have messuered differently
Ethan Mercurio~Kaleb Quinlan

keisersydney said...

I thought it was fun, but it made a mess. The last lava flow went the fastest, and the 2nd lava flow went the slowest. I would have made an explode-y volcanoe though.

anonymous said...
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Granger,Hannah said...

I thought it was really cool,fun,and intresting.the last one flowed the fastest.the slowest was the second one. i would not want to change anything in this experment!!

anonymous said...

i like the experiment but i thik the first one should of came out a littkle bit faster and i think number 3 could of exploded. anywaysn i liked the was fun.

jr miller

anonymous said...

Tony i disagree with you. The lab wasnt exciting because the lava didnt go fast mostly the second one.
David Meiners

Anonymous said...

i thought this was a very fun activity.
the fastest flowing one was volcano 2. the slowest flowing volcano was the 3 volcano.
i wouldve changed the volcano molt like made it not so steep

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the volcano sounds so much fun! :)

Jedding, Lyd said...

it was very nifty and sweet!!! the third one was the fastest. the second one went the slowest. i would of had morew magma trials and diff measurements of baking soda!

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I think that it was so cool.I loved how I got to see how a valcano would work.The 3rd liquid went the fastest.The 2nd liquid went the slowist.I probiy would change the luidqids to see what else would happen.

anonymous said...

I actually thought this experiment was very boring. The 3rd lava flow went the fastest. and the first lava flow went the slowest. I would have changed how much lava we had.

Jarod Francis

Jordan,M,Malsbary said...

I agree with sean.It would be fun to compare the gassyand nongassy valcanoes.

anonymous said...

The lab wasnt the exciting to me because the lava wasnt the fast as i wanted it to. The first lava was the second fastest. second was the slowest and third was fastest.No I wouldnt of changed anythng because we got good information.
David Meiners

Granger,Hannah said...

What kind of diff materals would you use tony??

valerierenee7 said...

This activity was re574ally fun! The fastest valcano was the 3.
The slowest valcano was the 2.
I would of changed the valcano by making it stepper.

anonymous said...

this lab was kinda boring because it didnt go that fast. the fastest was #3 at 3.59 cm/sec. the slowest was #2 at .034 cm/sec. i wouldnt change anything because i got good information.
Ben McGinnis

anonymous said...

Sean I don't agree with you it wasn't very successful because most people didn't get very far in the written data part of the experiment but, the real experiment was a success.

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

tony i disagree with you it wasnt that exciting and what other materials would you have used?

Ben McGinnis

Abby Bacher said...

I loved our experiment on volcanoes. I thought the red liquid ran down the sides faster because it was less dense.

Abby Bacher said...

I agree with Sean. The third one did run down faster because it was thinner.

Sara said...

I thought it was pretty cool. The first was choclate syrup the second was strawberry syrup and the third was koolaid. The third flowed the fastest.And the second went the slowest. I would have had more substances to test because it went pretty fast.

@Lydia Jedding:
I agree it would be really cool to have more trials and different measurments of baking soda.

imushrush said...

Nunber 3 went the fastest because it was the runniest and number 2 was the slowest because it was thick

Kamilah Williams said...

experiment number 3 wnt the fastest it only lasted for like 2 seconds. experiment number 1 took 1 minute=75 seconds. i really dont think we could of done anything different unless we got a coke and put mentoes in it that would be awesome!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

I think the experiment went very nice. Definately number 3 number 3 was like lightning. Number one went the slowest I think. I would have seen how fast it should have gone from the top all they way to the bottom.
Ryan Weber

Kilgore, Sydney said...

Experiment 3 went the fastest because it was the runniest. It took about 2-3 seconds. Experiment 2 was the slowest because it was the thickest. I thought these experiments went very well and i don't think there'd be anything i'd change.

Kilgore, Sydney said...

Sean I agree with you. I think that would be a good idea to compare the flow of the different types of serums on different volcanoes. I also think it would be a good idea to compare the time it took to flow with other volcanoes.

A, Owen said...

I thought the lab was cool but my teams didn't work so well any of the times so i looked at some of the other groups and theirs was woking fine and it looked awsome. The second one whent the fastest. Here's the thing I don't know which one was the fastest because my groups test tube had crack in it so when we poored the liquid in it all that happend was it bubbled and then nothing. We look under the valcano and the and we saw the test tube leeking WHAT A DESASTER! I think that we should have a bigger reaction not this little thing.