Monday, April 25, 2011

Would you want to go into Space?

What if you were given the chance to board a shuttle and head into outer space?   Would this be something you would be interested in?  I find space to be such an amazing place of unanswered questions, however I don't know if I would be cut out for space travel. 
Watch the following video and leave your thoughts, could you travel in space??

What is space like?


Kylie Hayes said...

I find space cool and interesting but I don't think I would want to board a space shuttle and go to space. I am interested in space and I would love to learn more, but there are many cautions and I would be to scared. I dont think I could travel in space because it takes days to get there and back and I would miss my family and friends way to much.

Buis,Dylan said...

i think space is really cool because there is no gravity. i would want to board a space shuttle and go to space.i would want to go and see it in really life insted of video or picture. i would miss my family and friends but thats worth seeing the moon. it would be awesome.

anonymous said...

maybe for like two days but i couldnt last longer i couldnt stay away from my friends and family but it would be so cool to go.

kristan dalton

coors amber said...

I would think it would be awesome!!! I would probably go just for one trip just to check it out but i would never become an astronaut though b/c there would be too many things that i would be worried about.

i would really like to see what is out there though and see what it looks like in person.

coors amber said...

i also find space very cool and interesting kylie. I am almost on the same board with you kylie. I would be too scared and miss my family too much but mabye i would go for just one trip.

i also agree with you dylan b/c i would also like to see it in person instead of picture or video.