Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Radiation Reaching the US

The following article talks about radiation leaks from Japan reaching all the way to the US.  What are your thoughts after reading the article?  Are we scaring ourselves to death over this?

Radiation Reaching the US


Oakes, Ally said...

I think that people are over reacting because the article says that it isn't wnough to cause health problems and I think tat people are scaring themselves to death for no reason over this but I do think that it should be closely monitored so we can be sure that it will stay under control.

freel,amanda said...

I do think that some people are reacting over something that can be stopped before it even reaches the U.S. Also, if it does reach the U.S it wouldn't be enough to cause a lot of health problems. Lastly, and I'm saying if it does reach the U.S the worst it could harm would be the west like California and if we all get radiation in the U.S we will learn how to deal with it.

anonymous said...

The artical says that the radiatio is not enough to cause heath problems but they are monitering it

stenger.nathan said...

nathan stenger

Buis,Dylan said...

I think that people are kinda over reacting because the article says that it isn't enough to cause health problems and I think that people are scaring themselves to death for no reason over this but I do think that it should be closely monitored so we can be sure that it will stay under control.

anonymous said...

we just need to feel safe but some people can and is over reacting about the radiation reaching the us.

kristan dalton

anonymous said...

oakes ally,

agree some people do over react about it but it is kinda scary once you think about it.

kristan dalton