Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Water Cycle

How does the water cycle work?  Go to website and go through the animation to see.  Comment on the steps of the water cycle

 Water Cycle Animation


gorman,kyle said...

It goes from precepitation to infiltration to runoff then evapiration to condensation. All of this I learned like in 4th grade and for some reason it just has stuck with me so to look at that it was like a review for me.I think that the water cycle though if its your first time learning it, it can be very interesting to learn. And it seems to stick with you and you memorize it.

Bettner,Aaron said...

It starts with precipitation. The it run off into lakes, rivers, streams, etc. Then it evaporates. Repeat. I learned this stuff at elmentary school, and in fact i did a project on it.

Kamilah Williams said...

how water cycle works is other water evaporates in the air. it condensates to precipition(that must be how we get our rain)we get our rain it infilters then it runs off to where ever it rains at/snow

Bettner,Aaron said...

Kyle I remember learning about the water cycle to and i remember it pretty well.

Kamilah Williams said...

wow gorman i didnt know that you learn this in the 4th grade. I heard that nasa is TRYING to make a machine that can make the weather how we like it. but Mrs.martz what would happen to the people at the weather stations that have the right wheater while nasa is changing the weather how we like it. this is crazy

Mrs. Martz said...

Milah: When you put it that way. It does sound crazy

Mrs. Martz said...

Kyle and Aaron: I hope that everyone remembers it as well as you guys.... Then we will not have to spend much time on this

anonymous said...

Itr beggins with precepition then to infileration and then it will evapirate into condensation.

Kristan dalton

anonymous said...

precepitation,infiltration,runoff,evapiration,these are all things we learned in elementary school