Monday, March 7, 2011

New Universe?

Could there be more out there than scientists aware?  What is the newest ideas about the universe? What are the new ideas of infinity. Listen to this pod cast and give us your ideas about new ideas about the universe and the possibility of parallel universes.



kiphart,shane said...

yes that big bages are happening all the time

Cecil,Tommy said...


anonymous said...

there could be several paraell universes that could be almost the same or could be ruled by monkeys like the movie planet of the ape which takes place in a paraell universe.
Adam Lyons

George McFarren said...

Scientists have a theory that there could be several univarses with people just like us. They think things like this happen all the time and they think there could be a parallel univarse.


Scinetiset still think that are worlds out there with people like us. This stuff still happens all the time and they think the worlds could be parrell universes.

oleary stephanie said...

there could be some more out there that could be almost the same ore maybe have humans on them. they think there may be a parall universe somewhere out there

Wall, Alexandra said...

There could always be more out there that scientist don't know about. The newest ideas about the universe are that there are multiple parallel universes.

Sean Laake said...

Yes. We have YET to know everything with facts to support it. That there is Galactic bangs happening all the time, there are parallel universes, and space is infinite. I honestly think this is a likely possibility. I mean, there must be more than one planet out there that has life. And what is out there beyond our Universe? Nothing? I DONT THINK SO!

batmanstake said...

their could be different planets out their that could be run by apes. like in the movie. that is a paraell.

anonymous said...

i think there are diffrent parell universes. I think that theyare ruled by anti humans that look just like us.

jr miller

Breadon,Zac said...

I Think There is possibly another universe out there i mean come on all this space has to be useed for something

KAM said...

There could always be more out there that scientist don't know about. But the newest ideas about the universe is that there are multiple parallel universes not just one.

anonymous said...

The newest ideas about the universe are that there are multiple parallel universes.Scientists think that there could be several univarses with people just like us.

~Kailey Carter~

McGinnis,Ben said...

yes more scientists and other people are aware of this thery. that there are multiple universes and they could have liveing people. infinity to me means goes on for ever. i think there could be parallel universes and there could be other living people.

Oakes, Ally said...

Yes there could be more out there than scientists are aware of. The newest idea about the universe is that there are other universes and some parts of them can be exactly the same and some parts could be slightly different. The new ideas of infinity are that it really does go on forever. I think that it is entirely possible beccause I don't think we can possibly be the only things and beings oiut there there has to be more than we can ever know about.

anonymous said...

Scientists think there could be much more universes out there with people like us on them. they also think that there is a parrallel universe out there.

hunter steimle

anonymous said...

Scientists have a theory that there could be several univarses with people just like us. They think things like this happen all the time and they think there could be a parallel universe. Think There is possibly another universe out there.
JOrdan harbour

Sara said...

The Big Bang theory was thought to be a rare thing but now they are thinking that it could have happened and be less rare causing more universes. This theory is new.

Gillian said...

I thought that was very interesting. Although I didn't understnd the bread part.I've always been interested in other universes.

freel,amanda said...

Yes. That it is almost ike another brane next to our universe. That we could've had these universes forever and not even knowing about it. I think that the Podcast was very intersting having to talk about and listen to, because it has very good information to learn about the universe and other things too.

freel,amanda said...

I agree with Adam Lyons because:
I agree with Adam because the other universe could be possibly ruled by monkeys one(1) day.

Emily Renee Heckman :) said...

Yes, there could be a parallel universe. Maybe a multiverse! He was talking about how gravity may be pullin the parallel universe toward us. Which I believe that could be happening. He also said that it's possible that Big Banges could be happening all the time now. So, I do think that there's a new universe in the solar system. (Or in the Galaxies.)

Day,Tyler said...

I think that we could travel to other universes if we could find energy that can travel to other unvirses and conder all the power to travel to other uviverses and there could be a univers were gravity doesn't apply, tempatures could have a huge extreme compared to our universe, even a galaxy many milleniums ahead of us that could control black hole and even time travel. There is an infinite possibility were everything possible has a universe to even the craziest universe like trees and plants could talk, and even humans were pets to another species. Maybe we could find out what caues a big bang and use it to make another universe maybe inside our own were no laws of physics applied. There would be infinite possibilities if we had the knowledg to do that then maybe nothing ever again would be impossible.

Hutson,Caleb said...

i think that this is way way way way over my head i don't understand this at all i kinda get what hes saying but why we couldn't see them and where there at i was so lost during the sci fri. talking.

anonymous said...

yes because there has to be more gravity out there to keep the planets spinning around the sun.

-Dylan Humbert

anonymous said...

There could always be more out there that scientist don't know about.The newest ideas about the universe are that there are multiple parallel universes.

David Meiners

keene,carlie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kylie Hayes said...

Scientists believe that there are other parallel universes just like ours.

Duebber, Jenna said...

I am totslly confused about this whole "Big Bang" and how we are like sandwiches? I'm thinking the "Big Bang" is how our universe is created. Maybe that's how the parallel universe was created.

imushrush said...

Could there be more out there than scientists aware? yes there is evidence to support this explained by greene What is the newest ideas about the universe? There could be a membrane around are universes What are the new ideas of infinity. Are space does not go on forever

dace,connor said...

Yes. That the universes are like slices of bread, that black holes are portals to different universes. Infinity is that doesn't end but now it seems that infinity can.

anonymous said...

yes therecould be more out there than scientist are aware

anonymous said...

I think it would be weird knowing that there is a new universe and that there is another you living in another planet.

kristan dalton

imushrush said...

There could be several paraell universes, that could be almost the same or could be ruled by monkeys like the movie Planet of the Apes which takes place in a paraell universe.
Andrew Hudson

JenniferAlyssa❤ⓙⓔⓝⓝ❤ ◕‿◕ said...

Scientist said that there mcould be multiple parallel universes.
With the same people like us.

Evan Triplett said...

There are always things that scientists are not aware of.Some new ideas are that threre could be a parallel universe with people like us.New idea of infinity are that space is infinent

Fairbanks,Joey said...

I belive that there is another universe that science has not discovered yet. The new ideas of the universe is that there is a parallel universe. It is kind of funny that he used bread as an example of univerces.

lemmink,kyle said...

yes there could be new universes or as they called it in the voice presentation a multiverse. they think that that this universe was created by a big bang. they also think that there might have been more than one big bang.

Giblin, Keegan said...

I think it is possible that there are parallel universes out there, but right now science has nothing to prove that. I might back up the idea fully if there more evidence that there are parallel universes out there.

Royer Rachel said...

There is a new theory that scientiists created and it might be there are parallel universes. The scientists think that universes could be very similar or very different. The evidence that supports this is that there are bangs that happen all the time.I think that this is possible because there cant just be one planet for living things to live on.